Lorenzo Battaglia

Lorenzo Battaglia is an editor in the Publishing Department of Fondazione Bruno Kessler. He holds a degree in Anthropological Sciences and Italian Studies. He holds a Level I master’s degree in Publishing, Journalism and Cultural Management from La Sapienza University in Rome, and an Executive Program master’s degree from Politecnico di Milano and Fondazione Feltrinelli in Publishing and Digital Media. For years he has collaborated with print and online newspapers writing about culture, and is a freelance journalist. He has worked as content and copy editor for several publishing companies dealing with fiction, non fiction and scholastic. He is an independent editorial producer.
Author's articles
July 27, 2023Passion and research. FBK Magazine dedicates a space to talking about sports from different perspectivesExplore the marriage of sports, research and passion in FBK Magazine. Discover the relationship of those who work at Fondazione Bruno Kessler with sports, balancing ethics and work. Look into the importance of data in sports. Explore the unique relationship between sports and mountains in the run-up to the upcoming Winter Olympics. An open, engaging and growing worksite.
April 13, 2023Discourses of the beyond, between peaks and abyssesAn interview with the director of the Center for Religious Studies on the recently published FBK Press volume.
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