Artificial Intelligence and Us. An FBK Meeting at the Corriere Della Sera Foundation
On November 6, the historic offices of the Corriere della Sera newspaper of Via Solferino in Milan, will be hosting a meeting on "Artificial Intelligence and Us", an event that offers a picture of the latest applications and current developments, outlining future horizons.
FBK organizaed, together with the Autonomous Province of Trento and the Corriere della Sera Foundation, a conference that focuses the attention on new stimuli on a topic, artificial intelligence, critical not only for scientific research, but also for the inevitable repercussions on society and human beings.
Following the institutional greetings of the President of the Corriere Foundation, Piergaetano Marchetti, and of the president of the Autonomous Province of Trento, Ugo Rossi, Massimo Sideri, editor of the Corriere della Sera and Director of Corriere Innovazione will lead the event and open it with an interview with Valeria Fedeli, Minister of Education, University and Research.
A round-table discussion, to be attended by Francesco Profumo, FBK President, Bruno Sirletti, President and CEO of Fujitsu Italia, Patrizia Toia, European Parliament, Vice President of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, and Alfio Gliozzo will follow. Gliozzo, after graduating in philosophy and earning a PhD from the University of Trento and FBK on semantics and computational linguistics, has acquired 16 years of experience in research and development in Artificial Intelligence and currently manages the Knowledge Intuition Department at IBM TJ Watson Research in New York (USA) and teaches Cognitive Computing at Columbia University.
But Gliozzo will not be the only FBK alumnus. In fact, the accounts of two young scholars, Alessia Marcolini and Marco Moschini, who last year and in 2005 took part in WebValley, the FBK summer school for disseminating interdisciplinary research, will follow.
Since its first edition in 2001, about 300 students (between 17 and 18 years of age) have participated in the WebValley summer camps, and many of them have later on developed career paths in international and national research, become managers, established successful start-ups or are completing their study programs in important international schools and universities.
Webvalley’s alumni stories are available on our web magazine at the link: https://magazine.fbk.eu/it/search/webvalley/
The event will take place from 4:30 pm at the historic headquarters of Corriere della Sera in via Solferino, at the Sala Buzzati Hall, which has long been transformed into a prestigious “Casa della parola”, or discussion hall, that has hosted over 1500 meetings for the last 30 years for a total of 2700 guests.
Admission to the event is open and free of charge until available seats are exhausted but reservation is required (by sending an email to
The video of the event is available here