Francesco Profumo
Ordinary Professor of Electrical Machines and Drives at the Politecnico of Torino (dean from 2005 to 2011) and professor at the University of Bologna. He has done his didactic and research activities at several universities in the world: Argentina, China, Hungary, Albania, Romania, Latvia, USA, Japan, Czech Republic and received 10 Honoris Causes Degrees. Among the many institutional assignments he has been Chairman of the National Research Council and from November 2011 to April 2013 he held the position of Minister of Education, University and Research during the Monti Government. He currently chairs the Society of St. Paul, the ESCP Business School in Turin, the Collège des Ingégenieurs – Campus of Turin and Inwit SpA. President of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler from 2014 to 2023.
Spotlight's articles
June 6, 2022“The new frontiers of artificial intelligence”At the Trento Festival of Economics the meeting with Fondazione Bruno Kessler president Francesco Profumo and journalist Gerardo Graziola
May 27, 2022The Festival dell’Economia of Trento is backMore than 200 free events animating the city of Trento from 2 to 5 June 2022
September 16, 2021What space will it be?An evening on the frontiers of research on space exploration. Among the guests, ASI's President Giorgio Saccoccia, FBK's president Francesco Profumo, the president of the University of Trento, Flavio Deflorian and professor and physicist of the University of Trento-EUSPA Roberto Battiston.
May 28, 2021FBK has signed the Charter for Equal Opportunities and Equality at WorkThe initiative responds to the invitation of the European Union which declared May as the "EU Diversity Month"
February 3, 2021ENEA TECH: THE AGREEMENT WITH FBK FOR THE ENHANCEMENT OF TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSFER HAS KICKED OFFCollaborating to identify possible synergies and development opportunities in research and tech transfer, to contribute to the growth and competitiveness of our country. This is the goal of the agreements signed by ENEA Tech with FBK, IIT, HT
December 30, 2020A new organization for the Bruno Kessler FoundationStarting from January 1, 2021, the statute of FBK has changed: there are now 6 new Research Centres and a Management dedicated to Marketing and business development will be soon inaugurated.
October 2, 2020FBK has chosen who will lead the new Research CentersCimatti will lead the digital industry center, Crema the one for sustainable energy, Pistore the one for the digital society and Ranise the one for cybersecurity. As for health, there will be three new centers: health and wellness services will be entrusted to Forti, health emergencies to Merler and artificial intelligence for health and well-being to Ghidini.
May 28, 2020Cambiamenti: tra passato, presente e futuro | changes: between past, present and futureThe reflections of Francesco Profumo, Claudia Dolci and Fernanda Alfieri on the transition period we are going through
April 30, 20192018 Financial Statements Approved: FBK Is GrowingFondazione Bruno Kessler closes its balance with a profit. The production value goes up thanks to projects funded by grants and companies
April 10, 2019FBK at the 2019 education festivalThe program of the tenth edition of Educa was presented today. Fondazione Bruno Kessler will be present with a science cafè, an information corner, two workshops and three round-table discussions.
March 25, 2019Five tips for generation ZDavide Dattoli was the invited speaker of the seventh Bruno Kessler Lecture, on March 19, 2019 in Trento: in front of hundreds of students, he recounted his success story with Talent Garden
March 6, 2019Once upon a tryExplore the greatest inventions and discoveries of humankind thanks to the new Google Arts & Culture interactive online project in collaboration with Fondazione Bruno Kessler
February 26, 2019FBK celebrates its international young talentPovo hosted the PhD Day, the annual meeting of Fondazione Bruno Kessler's doctoral students community
January 16, 2019Mission Report. FBK’s results and their impact on societyThe mission of Fondazione Bruno Kessler is to build a concrete and effective relationship between research of excellence and the demand for innovation that comes from the most diverse sectors of society. The final balance depicts the results achieved and offers all stakeholders an opportunity for discussion based on data
December 21, 2018From the future of Artificial Intelligence to the future of people: youths"Future is Built on Knowledge" is FBK's motto, that has always aimed at disseminating knowledge. In order to make it more tangible, the Foundation will dedicate 2019 to the new generations, with teaching activities, workshops, school-work projects and conferences for lay audiences
September 18, 2018Investing in research to innovate social enterprisesWe interviewed Flaviano Zandonai, Ezio Manzini and Francesco Profumo, protagonists at the 16th Workshop on Social Enterprise
September 11, 2018The factory of the future is being designed at the competence centersArticle by Francesco Profumo, FBK President, for GARR NEWS No. 18, July 2018
May 16, 2018FBK and Microsoft together for precision medicineFBK presented a major new machine learning project for Precision Medicine that leverages Azure cloud computing capability and a $ 20,000 grant support under the Azure for Research program at the Microsoft Edu Day2018
April 14, 2018Leadership for innovation in schoolsThe book dedicated to change in schools through the training of teachers and principals and to digital programs was presented at the EDUCA Festival
March 27, 2018Digital manufacturers: the green revolution starts hereWhat are the sustainable jobs of the future? Why does sustainability become a social obligation for everyone, including small, medium and large companies? Why will the professions of the future have to integrate technical skills - primarily digital - and soft skills with the aspect of care of the ecosystem, an asset that belongs to all and that must be preserved and handed down to those who will come after us?
February 22, 2018FBK’s mission Russia: agreement signed with Moscow-based SkoltechInnovative solutions for 3D city modeling and energy are the first areas on which the Trentino based research center and the Russian university will collaborate
December 20, 20172018: FBK dedicates the year to Artificial IntelligencePresident Profumo presented the new strategic and business plans, dedicated to Artificial Intelligence. A tight 2018 calendar of events, starting with the sixth Bruno Kessler Lecture with Piero Angela
November 21, 2017Innovation and society in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Can they go hand in hand?The meeting "Artificial Intelligence and Us" hosted at Fondazione Corriere della Sera on November 6, has pointed out that man and machine are not antagonists and that a 'peaceful' existence in the era of artificial intelligence may be possible. As long as it we invest in young people and their training.
October 31, 2017Artificial Intelligence and Us. An FBK Meeting at the Corriere Della Sera FoundationOn November 6, the historic offices of the Corriere della Sera newspaper of Via Solferino in Milan, will be hosting a meeting on "Artificial Intelligence and Us", an event that offers a picture of the latest applications and current developments, outlining future horizons.
October 2, 2017L’informatica al servizio del sociale: il Festival dal 13 al 15 ottobre a RoveretoLa tre giorni per scoprire le nuove tecnologie al servizio di chi ne ha più bisogno si apre con l'intervento del Presidente FBK Francesco Profumo che discuterà sul tema del digitale a servizio dei cittadini e delle comunità. Cyberbullismo e fake news, prevenzione delle calamità naturali, domotica, soluzioni tecnologiche per i disabili, progetti di cooperazione internazionale al centro di laboratori, workshop e incontri con esperti nazionali e internazionali.
May 22, 2017The transformation of jobs with digital technology: risks and opportunitiesLectio magistralis by the President of Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Francesco Profumo, for the students of the professional training center Centro formazione professionale Giuseppe Veronesi of Rovereto
April 8, 2017Cyber School: how to tackle the digital revolution togetherHow will the new digital school be? How revolutionary and disruptive will this historic transition be for the school system? Are professors, teachers, and families and students alike - digital natives, reality or myth that we tell ourselves? - prepared to deal with the new challenges of a revolution that not only affects the tools, but requires a new cultural, pedagogical, social perspective?
April 6, 2017EDUCA towards a new Digital SchoolWhich school will come from digital technology? The shared reflection of Educa starts from #scuoladigitaletrentina and expands to the entire national system.