For a Human-Centered AI

Note by the FBK Board of Directors

June 22, 2017

The 2016 final balance was approved today

  • > Overall budget balance of € 43,823 million. Main cost items: increase in revenues from sources other than the Program Agreement compared to 2015 +8.02%; a 30.2% increase in revenue from private customers only; Self-financing of scientific research at 51.6%
  • > Scientific excellence certified by ANVUR results
  • > National Scientific Certification and development of School and Education Initiatives.

The 2016 Final Balance of Trento-based Fondazione Bruno Kessler was unanimously approved by the Board of Directors today.

The account shows, compared with the previous year, an increase in revenues from external sources substantially due to the total value of projects with private companies (+30.2%).

The 2016 data on self-financing confirm the Foundation’s ability to cope with the effects of the economic and financial crisis and maintain and improve the data that, as far as the Science and Technology Centers (ICT, CMM, ECT *) are concerned, stands at 51.6%.

Regarding compliance with the PAT directives on the objectives of the provincial financial maneuver, all directives have been observed for the year as well.


In 2016, the Foundation has distinguished itself nationally for its scientific excellence, certified by the excellent results achieved in the Research Quality Evaluation Exercise (VQR) run by the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research System (ANVUR).

The excellent results were achieved in particular thanks to the ICT Center, which was ranked first in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.

Overall, FBK was ranked first in the area of ​​Political and Social Sciences and was rated among the best in Physics, Electronic Engineering and Historical Sciences.

As far as the so-called “Third Mission“, i.e. the socio-economic impact of research, is concerned, FBK has gained the first place for its ability to create new entrepreneurship attractive to the market – the number of spin-offs acquired by other stakeholders, To generate employment – the number of spin-off employees in highly competitive sectors, and the ability to propose a research impact model that is original and effective.


At the end of 2016, the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) launched the new selections for obtaining the National Scientific Certification (ASN) as university professorThe outcome was again positive: 11 FBK researchers obtained a total of 17 qualifications for university professorships, for different categories and in different disciplines ranging from ‘ Computer science, physics, historical, political and social sciences. These qualifications added to the 28 obtained in the previous rounds by 23 researchers.


There are many activities that see Fondazione Bruno Kessler increasingly close to the school system. In 2016, some of the FBKJunior program activities were recognized as “Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro“, a work-based program for students (editor’s note) according to the formulas adopted in agreement with the Schools and the Provincial Education System. In this context, in the second semester of the 2015-2016 school year, 19 three-year joint agreements were renewed with a number of high schools (2 out of Province), which allowed 73 students to take part in individual summer internships, hosted in the offices and laboratories of 23 FBK Research Units. The total number of students hosted at FBK thus goes up to 357.

The BoD expressed a positive opinion also on the FBK for Health program. In 2016, to the activities focused on the skills acquired and offered on applied research and innovation in healthcare, a higher education and clinical research function, especially targeted to local medical and healthcare providers was added. In 2016, training sessions were offered that saw significant feedback from specialist physicians interested in improving their profession.