Professionals of tomorrow. Which roles will be required in the future?
Who will be the professionals of tomorrow? Which roles will be required by a labor market that is constantly changing and an increasingly global scenario, competitive and interconnected? How shall the school be in terms of education, space, tools and curricula to really train the professionals of tomorrow?
We discussed it during Educa 2016 with some of the main protagonists of the national scene that give voice to the theme, bringing different cultural approaches and visions, in some cases real breaks with tradition: we are talking about Rosa Bottino, Director of Educational Technology Institute President Italian National Research Council Area of Genoa; Giovanni Biondi, President INDIRE; Salvatore Giuliano, Dean ITIS Majorana Institute of Brindisi and creator of the “book method in progress”; Andrea Gavosto, Director Giovanni Agnelli Foundation.
As a result it was created a short pamphlet by Prof.Profumo, President of the Bruno Kessler Foundation and former Minister for Education, University and Research: Jobs for the future. How the new school should be thought of in terms of pedagogy, spaces, tools, curricula.
The paper analyzes some of the main case histories at Italian level (Book in progress, Avanguardie Educative, Torino fa Scuola) and international (the case of Finland, the Danish school without classes) offering a reflection and some critical insights on four pillars ( education, space, tools. curricula) of the school of the future.