The second edition of the School of Advanced Technologies for Translators (SATT) sold out
A huge success of the school dedicated to professional translators organized by the HLT-Machine Translation Research Unit of the FBK ICT Center
85 attendees – 34 students and 51 professional translators – and 11 international speakers. These are the numbers of the second edition of SATT (School of Advanced Technologies for Translators), which took place last week at the Department of Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento. An opportunity for training on the development of machine translation technologies, which represent the essential tools for professional translators.
Strong presence of Italians and over a dozen participants from abroad (UK, France, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic and Brazil) who, thanks to the HLT-Machine translation Research Unit, were involved in the activities and practical demonstrations held by researchers from FBK, one of the leading research centers in the field of language technologies, and by other academics and business experts.
Among the prominent speakers, Olga Blasco, director of the Board of the Rosetta Foundation (watch the interview) and Andy Way, a professor at Dublin City University and deputy director of ADAPT Center for Digital Content Technology (watch the interview).
“The school was created with the aim of reducing the gap between translators and the translation market, which is now using the most advanced technologies, especially machine translation,” Luisa Bentivogli, HLT-MT Research Unit and organizer of the school, explains. “The great success achieved by SATT showsthat we are going in the right direction. ”
“We have raised great interest in the school this year,” Marcello Federico, Head of the HLT-MTResearch Unit says. “This demonstrates that machine translation research continues to create interest among all the players in the translation business.”
On Saturday, September 16, students were also involved in two courses on assisted translation tools, particularly on “SDL Trados Studio 2017” and MateCat, a translation aid platform conceived within a European project coordinated by FBK that has become a product used by more than 15,000 translators worldwide (
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