For a Human-Centered AI

Federica Mantegazzini

Experimental physicist, research scientist and leader of a research team at FBK (Trento, Italy) focused on development and physics of superconducting quantum circuits.

Scientific interests: Quantum sensing, Cryogenic particle detectors, cQED experiments, Quantum optics in the microwave, Hybrid quantum systems.

Institutional responsabilities:
▪️Coordinator of the MiSS (Microwave Squeezing with Superconducting (meta)materials) EU Horizon-RIA project (2024-now).
▪️Convener for the ECFA Detector R&D DRD5 – Quantum Technologies (2024-now)
▪️FBK contact person for the National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSTI), Spoke 6 (2023-now).
▪️FBK contact person and Task Leader within the Qu-Pilot EU Horizon-RIA project, Superconducting platform (2023-now).
▪️Co-PI of the Hy-QMS Italy-Singapore Scientific & Technological Cooperation project (2023-now).
▪️INFN Local Coordinator for the DARTWARS experiment (2020-now).

Together with her team, she is involved in the development of superconducting quantum devices, such as superconducting sensors and qubits. Such devices find applications in the emerging fields of Quantum Sensing and Quantum Computing, as well as in fundamental physics experiments to study quantum phenomena.

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