For a Human-Centered AI

Leandro Lorenzelli

Leandro Lorenzelli received the Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering at the University of Genova in 1994 and a PhD in 1998 in Electronics Materials and Technologies at University of Trento and focused on the development of CMOS-based electrochemical microsensors. Since 1998 he joined the staff of the ITC-irst Microsystems Division (now FBK-CMM) and he was involved in the realisation of microsystems for biomedical, environmental and agro-food applications.
Since 2005 he was head, at FBK-CMM, for the BioMEMS research area with specific tasks in the microfabrication technologies for both BioMEMS and microtransducers.
Since 2013 is coordinator of the Microsystems Technology (MST) research unit at FBK.

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