#machine translation
June 14, 2022Marco Gaido received the Best Student Paper Award at IWSLT 2022His work, titled "Who Are We Talking About? Handling Person Names in Speech Translation", adds up to the strong record of recent publications of the Machine Translation Unit in the area of Speech Translation.
October 15, 2021Mattia Antonino Di Gangi’s excellence path in machine translation awardedThe Best Thesis 2020 award of the EAMT European association went to the former doctoral student of the machine translation team at Fondazione Bruno Kessler
August 5, 2020EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE OF TRANSLATED, FBK AND PERVOICE FOR REAL-TIME TRANSLATION OF DEBATESA contract was signed to transcribe and translate the speeches of parliamentarians with an innovative system. The new technology preserves human sensitivity towards the nuances of language incomprehensible to machines
September 12, 2019Amazon gives FBK the AWS Machine Learning Research AwardAn advanced AI-based solution studied by Fondazione Bruno Kessler has received the award given by Amazon
April 17, 2018From research to business, Mauro Cettolo’s storyAfter 26 years in the Foundation, the HLT-MT researcher began a period of secondment in the company. "A decision not taken lightly, but it seemed like a good opportunity to try something else"
September 21, 2017The second edition of the School of Advanced Technologies for Translators (SATT) sold outA huge success of the school dedicated to professional translators organized by the HLT-Machine Translation Research Unit of the FBK ICT Center