Sara Hejazi

Sara Hejazi is an anthropologist and researcher at the Religious Studies Center of the Bruno Kessler Foundation in Trento and at the Jean Monnet Center of the sociology faculty of the University of Trento. She teaches Global Studies and Anthropology of Modernity at Al Farabi Kazakh National University.
Among her essays, L’Iran s-velato. Antropologia dell’intreccio tra identità e velo (Roma, Arance 2008); L’altro islamico. Leggere l’Islam in Occidente (Aracne, Roma 2009) La fine del sesso? Relazioni e legami nell’era digitale (2017) e Il senso della specie. Perché la cultura planetaria è il destino dell’umanità (2021).
Author's articles
October 25, 2022SkeinIf you are dealing with Iran, whether by national affiliation, by birth, for tourism, love, interest, study, or for more than one of these reasons, you will feel that you are dealing with a large skein, impossible to unravel.
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