JUDIT - digital and interactive Judicaria: a new interdisciplinary project that leverages on the expertise of Fondazione Bruno Kessler and ICT technologies to valorise heritage locations and attract more people
The JUDIT project, funded by the CARITRO Foundation, involves an interdisciplinary team of various actors of the Trentino area with the aim of designing and creating digital and 3D contents accessible through a web portal, QR code and augmented reality (AR) applications on smartphones and tablets. JUDIT selected some heritage sites in the Giudicarie and Upper Garda area where the new solutions will be deployed: the Fiave’ and Ledro pile dwelling UNESCO sites, the early medieval “castrum” of San Martino nel Lomaso and the San Martino ai Campi di Riva archaeological area.
“The different technological solutions we are developing – explains Elisa Mariarosaria Farella, FBK researcher of the 3D Optical Metrology research unit – will offer different digital means to access, on site and remotely, objects and sites of historical and landscape interest. This will help to enhance the historical, naturalistic and anthropic context of the considered heritage sites”.
JUDIT objectives include:
- The creation of 3D and interactive digital contents for each of the archaeological sites included in the project by means of terrestrial photogrammetry, drone-based LiDAR, etc. The contents will be accessible with mobile devices in order to view and interact with the generated digital twins of settlement structures. Such contents will also allow to attract the new generations to cultural heritage.
- Give remote access to historical and cultural site in digital form (e.g. on a web portal), given difficulties and limitations to travel e.g. imposed by events such as the pandemic. The portal will integrate digital content/replicas but also text and photos. The portal will also promote the knowledge of other cultural resources of the areas (e.g. natural and food trails).
- Valorize and promote the Giudicarie and upper Garda territories, including sites and museums, promoting cultural tourism for the benefit of the local economy.
“Thanks to the networking of the various archaeological and nature sites – says Fabio Remondino, head of the FBK 3D Optical Metrology research unit – we want to broaden visitors’ knowledge and accessibility, stimulating curiosity and involving them with tech tools that combine fun, entertainment, philological reconstruction, education and learning. The results of the project will be accessible from summer 2021 through various web portals and in the considered heritage sites”.
PARTNERS: The project was carried out with the support of the Cassa Rural Trento e Rovereto – CARITRO and is coordinated by the Judicaria Study Center . In addition to Fondazione Bruno Kessler – thanks to the contribution of the 3DOM working group, the other partners involved are: the Superintendence for cultural heritage of the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Municipality of Fiavè, the Ecomuseo della Judicaria, the Municipality of Tenno, the Alto Garda – MAG Museum and the Lake Ledro pile dwelling museum.