Gianluigi Casse
Director of the Center Sensor and Devices
Spotlight's articles
May 13, 2021Quantum bits ignite the engine of innovationUniversity of Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler and National Institute of Nuclear Physics together to build an ecosystem of quantum sciences and technologies. Thus the Q@TN laboratory in Trento becomes an important node at national and European level for this sector and a unique setting where to design devices and create prototypes for supercomputing, secure communications and sensors
April 8, 2021New horizons for the FBK Clean RoomThanks to newly purchased equipment, we are moving from micro-fabrication to nano-fabrication of devices, for innovative applications in companies and in the space industry
November 4, 2019The Tokyo Institute of Technology visited FBKThe meeting with the Japanese delegation was an opportunity for an exchange of views on research areas and projects and to identify common topics for possible collaborations
July 5, 2018QUANTUM @ TRENTO: nuovo laboratorio congiunto fra Università, CNR e FBKObiettivo: conquistare la leadership italiana nelle scienze e tecnologie quantistiche. Aziende e istituzioni di ricerca insieme per attrarre di investimenti e sviluppare nuova tecnologia nell’ambito della flagship europea da 10 miliardi in 10 anni. Il presidente Cnr Inguscio: «Trento da sempre all’avanguardia nel finanziare scienza di frontiera e alta formazione»
July 21, 2017FBK’s Center for Materials and Microsystems as Innovation Partner for SMESThe Center for Materials and Microsystems (CMM) of Fondazione Bruno Kessler has been accredited as KETs Technology Center for SMEs. Nationwide, there are only eight accredited centers besides FBK's CMM.