January 27, 2025AI for irrigation management in TrentinoIRRITRE: the project for the development of an integrated public local information system
September 28, 2024Digital farmers: artificial intelligence takes “the field”Fabio Antonelli (FBK) and @Matt the Farmer today featured at Wired Next Fest on AI, data and agritech
February 28, 2023Micro and Nanotechnologies as pillars of 6G and Future NetworksLooking at 2030 and ahead, future generations of telecommunications and distributed services will be demanding for miniaturized hardware components conceptually closer to software.
December 14, 2022The first center for computational social sciences in TrentoA new Center has stemmed from the collaboration between Fondaziione Bruno Kessler, the departments of Sociology and Social Research, and of Economics and Management at UniTrento. Smart cities, changing work, and strategic management of public data: the collaboration between information technology, statistics, and social sciences provides support for decision-making.
August 11, 2022Four European projects for energy transition in TrentinoFBK obtains Horizon Europe funding for NEVERMORE, FLEXIndustries, InCUBE and COMUNITAS
July 28, 2022A vision of future 6G from the point of view of Micro-Nano Hardware componentsWhat a potentially catastrophic failure in a passenger flight, back in 1982, has to do with future visions and prospects of 6G in 2030? This article will address the red wire linking these facts.
August 26, 2020Tessa si aggiudica il premio sostenibilità della Banca Monte dei Paschi di SienaLa startup di FBK specializzata in sensoristica per l'agricoltura sta seguendo il programma Trentino Startup Valley
May 26, 2020Raffaele Giaffreda (FBK) interviewed to identify core challenges related to water scarcitySAPIENCE project leader Raffaele Giaffreda (FBK) interviewed, within an EIT Cross KIC initiative, to identify core challenges related to water scarcity in Southern Europe
November 18, 2019“MADE IN FBK” 5G TECHNOLOGY AT B-APCO 2019This year, 5G is at the center of the important international event as far as public safety is concerned. Also FBK has participated with the 5G-ESSENCE project and the 5G-EmPOWER asset
November 4, 2019The Tokyo Institute of Technology visited FBKThe meeting with the Japanese delegation was an opportunity for an exchange of views on research areas and projects and to identify common topics for possible collaborations
October 11, 2019AGRIOT: artificial intelligence applied to agricultureOn SKY TG 24, within the NOW show, the story on the FBK project aimed at water saving in agriculture
November 7, 2018DECENTER, a joint EU-South Korea research and innovation projectThe goal is to build advanced cloud platforms to enhance Artificial Intelligence applications
May 14, 2018Running an Open Innovation Platform for IoT-Big Data in Sub-Saharan AfricaEmpowering Digital Transformation of Africa by WAZIUP and WAZIHUB initiative - a project coordinated by Open IoT research unit of CREATE-NET center at FBK
March 26, 2018CrowdInsights – how, when and where people move within a cityFBK participates with the I3 Research Unit to help the consortium investigating how people manage urban data in order to design effective and efficient tools
October 11, 2017Cybersecurity. The Internet of Things.Suggestions from the Future: live innovations from the coming decade. This was discussed at FBK by Riccardo Meggiato, a writer and cybersecurity expert.
April 11, 2017Internet of things to engage museums’ audiencesThe meSch European project, in collaboration with museums, has just ended; FBK coordinated the work package on visit personalization.