Davide Azzolini

Davide Azzolini is a research fellow at the Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies of the Bruno Kessler Foundation and an Affiliated Scholar with the Urban Institute, Washington DC.
Davide is committed to conducting social research that produces better and more usable evidence to improve policymaking in the field of education. He is particularly interested in topics such as educational inequality, financial aid, and educational technology.
He was a visiting scholar at the Urban Institute, a visiting student at the Free University of Berlin and research collaborator at the Office of Population Research of Princeton University.
Davide has a Ph.D. in Sociology and Social Research from the University of Trento and a master’s degree in public policy from COREP, Turin.
Author's articles
September 6, 2024Summer learning loss: what is it and how to contrast itInteresting research insights emerge on the phenomenon from the quantitative and qualitative evaluation study conducted by FBK-IRVAPP
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