Marco Turchi
I’m the head of the Human Language Technology Machine Translation group at Fondazione Bruno Kessler.
I got my Phd at the University of Siena, Italy, on “Computer Engineering, adaptive information processing”. During my Phd studies, I was visiting student at the University of California Davis, Statistical Department, and intern at the Yahoo Research Lab.
Before moving to the FBK, I have had the pleasure of working for the European Commission Joint Research Centre, IPSC, Optima action in Ispra, Italy. Previously, I have been Research Assistant at the University of Bristol, Department of Engineering Mathematics, Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Systems group. Between the American and English positions, I had a temporary research contract at the Xerox Research Centre Europe (XRCE).
Spotlight's articles
June 14, 2022Marco Gaido received the Best Student Paper Award at IWSLT 2022His work, titled "Who Are We Talking About? Handling Person Names in Speech Translation", adds up to the strong record of recent publications of the Machine Translation Unit in the area of Speech Translation.
October 15, 2021Mattia Antonino Di Gangi’s excellence path in machine translation awardedThe Best Thesis 2020 award of the EAMT European association went to the former doctoral student of the machine translation team at Fondazione Bruno Kessler
June 15, 2021Language in the ‘human-machine era’: How will new forms of language technology change our communication, and language itself?The ‘human-machine era’ is coming soon: a time when technology is integrated with our senses, not confined to mobile devices. It means that the hardware will move from our hands into our eyes and ears. Intelligent eyewear and earwear will be able to translate another person’s words, and make it look and sound like they were talking to you in your language. But not only will technology mediate what we see, hear and say in real time – it will be having increasingly complex conversations with us.
August 5, 2020EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE OF TRANSLATED, FBK AND PERVOICE FOR REAL-TIME TRANSLATION OF DEBATESA contract was signed to transcribe and translate the speeches of parliamentarians with an innovative system. The new technology preserves human sensitivity towards the nuances of language incomprehensible to machines
September 12, 2019Amazon gives FBK the AWS Machine Learning Research AwardAn advanced AI-based solution studied by Fondazione Bruno Kessler has received the award given by Amazon
October 16, 2018SATT2018: the Annual School for Translators Sells Out in Milan as WellHeld for the first time outside our Region, SATT has proven to be an international event for industry experts and translators