Riccardo Nanni

Riccardo Nanni is a researcher in data governance with the Digital Commons Lab at Fondazione Bruno Kessler. He received his PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the University of Bologna in June 2022 and his research has been published in major international journals such as “Information, Communication and Society” and “Policy and Internet”. He collaborates with the Digital Commons Policy Council think tank and is active in the Internet Governance Forum, a United Nations initiative to foster multistakeholder debate on internet-related policies. Since 2023, Riccardo Nanni has been teaching the “Technology, Politics and Human Rights” course at the University of Padua’s Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Multilevel Governance. His book “Rising China and Internet Governance” was published in April 2024 by Palgrave Macmillan.
Spotlight's articles
September 27, 2024Trentino per la Ricerca: eight innovation awards to young FBK researchersThe award to enhance the research and innovation work of young people in the Trentino region