For a Human-Centered AI

Marco Chierici

Marco Chierici got his PhD in Bioengineering in 2007 at the University of Padova and has since been a data scientist at FBK/DSH . Marco is responsible for the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology area at the DSH Unit. He is an expert on bioinformatics tools for massive omics data, high-performance computing, and scientific programming in Python and R. His main research interests include the integration of artificial intelligence methods (e.g., deep learning) in bioinformatics & computational biology frameworks. A member of the MAQC/SEQC and FANTOM consortiums, he has developed methods for reproducibility of analyses and was one main contributor of the FDA MAQC2 GWAS study. Marco co-authored >40 papers on peer-reviewed journals and is involved as a tutor in training activity on bioinformatics and machine learning for life sciences.

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