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January 27, 2022What is artificial intelligence?Oliviero Stock talks to Viviana Lupi on how AI has dramatically changed and will change human life.
January 26, 2022Living in a pandemicA study conducted by researchers from Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Cnr-Isti, published in Scientific Reports, analyzed changes in daily routines and the ability to adapt to precautionary measures following the outbreak of COVID-19.
January 21, 2022Sensors to sniff the airFunded by the CARIT Foundation, the TernAria project, led by FBK, involves Arpa Umbria, Airi and ADI. Proposed topic: the cycle of innovation, from research to a product on the market. FBK to continue its partnership with the schools of Terni for another 3 years
January 18, 2022Prof. Ventura’s mandate as director of ISR ends with the publication of a new policy paperThe recently published policy paper has symbolically wrapped up Prof. Ventura's experience at the Foundation
January 17, 2022(Non-)Religion, Big Data and AI Ethics: Is Bigger Necessarily Better?The complex relationship between Big Data, AI ethics, religion, and non-religion
January 3, 2022The importance of studying Bruno KesslerSome possible lines of development for the research on the history of autonomy in Trentino presented by researcher Maurizio Cau