Mariano Ceccato
He received the master degree in Software Engineering from the University of Padova, Italy, in 2003 and the PhD in Computer Science from the University of Trento in 2006 under the supervision of Paolo Tonella, with the thesis “Migrating Object Oriented code to Aspect Oriented Programming”.
His research interests include security testing, migration of legacy systems, aspect oriented programming and empirical studies. He will be program co-chair of the 12th IEEE Working Conference of Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2012) to be held in Riva del Garda, Italy. More details are available in my Curriculum Vitae.
Spotlight's articles
November 30, 2017Con HIT anche le imprese high-tech trentine a Slush 2017Chino e 2Aspire partecipano con Hub Innovazione Trentino alla delegazione italiana, presente al più importante evento europeo per le tecnologie digitali
June 1, 2017Double recognition for the Software Engineering Unit at the Buenos Aires International Conference on Program Comprehension.Best Paper Award and ACM Sigsoft Distinguished Paper Award. The FBK Software Engineering Unit led by Paolo Tonella came back with two prestigious awards from Buenos Aires, where they participated in the twenty-fifth International Conference on Program Comprehension on May 22 and 23.
August 10, 2016ASE distinguished paper awardThe 31st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering was held successfully at the Singapore Management University, Singapore from September 3-7, 2016.