For a Human-Centered AI

Paul Chippendale

Dr Paul Chippendale
Senior Researcher / Project Manager

Building upon my Electronics degree background, I received my PhD in Telecommunications from the University of Lancaster (UK) in 1998, by developing techniques to robustly transmit images around the world using HF radio, exploiting the ionosphere as a global reflector.

After a two year post-doc in the field of marine powerline communications, I left academia and went to work in industry for Philips Electronics as a Research Scientist in Le Mans (France) and then moved on to Monza (Italy) investigating topics such as Augmented Reality personal avatars for future 3G networks and video enhancements for LCD televisions.

In 2004, I decided to join the Fondazione Bruno Kessler Research Institute in Trento (Italy), to further explore my interests in computer vision. For the past 12 years, I have been a researcher manager and coordinator of several European projects, including FP6, FP7 and H2020 projects, such as CHIL, Netcarity and My-e-Director.

After gaining experience in large-project management, in 2011 I decided to search for new EU funding opportunities as a project coordinator, and was succesful in bringing together a strong consortium and constructing a proposal in the field of Augmented Reality that generated 3.6 MEuro of EU funding, named VENTURI. Then in 2016, I successfully obtained funding for a H2020 project called REPLICATE which explores the use of mobile devices to convert real-world objects into creative resources for AR/VR and Mixed Reality.

My primary role in the Technologies of Vision Research Unit and FBK, is the generation of new funding and the subsequent coordination of Horizon 2020 projects.

Phone: +39 0461 314512

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