Stefano Forti

Stefano Forti is the director of the “Digital Health and Wellbeing” Center at Fondazione Bruno Kessler and contact officer for FBK in the Executive Committee of the Competence Center for the development of digital health “TrentinoSalute4.0“, established by the Trento Province Council. His current research interests are in the field of digital health (e-Health) and health informatics for citizens (Health Consumer Informatics). He is the Scientific director of numerous digital health projects and co-author of various publications in international scientific journals.
Spotlight's articles
October 1, 2024Preventing stress in women with breast cancer: virtual coach ALBA is hereFondazione Bruno Kessler, in collaboration with the Trento Province Healthcare System, is coordinating the ALBA research project to investigate the contribution of “digital therapies” in promoting mental well-being and preventing stress in women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.
July 9, 2024Innovation in support services: FBK and Anffas Trentino are joining forces to bring technology into support servicesNew technologies and artificial intelligence at the heart, of the framework agreement to improve interaction and increase choice opportunities for guests of Anffas Trentino Centers
April 5, 2024Artificial intelligence and health dataWorld Health Day will be celebrated on Sunday, April 7. One of the issues debated in recent years is the importance of diagnosis: according to a 2016 University of Baltimore analysis, in the United States alone, medical errors cause more than 250 thousand deaths a year out of a total of about 2.6 million deaths.
December 1, 2021FBK projects awarded by the VRT Foundation for relevance and impactThe calls of the Foundation for the Valorization of Trentino Research were launched on March 19, 2020 with the aim of countering the pandemic by supporting research aimed at social impacts
June 15, 2021Supporting people experiencing higher levels of distressA proof-of-concept evaluation measuring the engagement and effectiveness of Atena, a psychoeducational chatbot supporting healthy coping with stress and anxiety, among a population of university students
February 19, 2021“MUM UP”, pregnancy care just a click awayThe innovative system that provides remote support to expectant mothers created within the TrentinoSalute4.0 digital health project is kicking off at Fatebenefratelli Isola-Tiberina
December 30, 2020A new organization for the Bruno Kessler FoundationStarting from January 1, 2021, the statute of FBK has changed: there are now 6 new Research Centres and a Management dedicated to Marketing and business development will be soon inaugurated.