Oscar Arturo Mayora Ibarra
Oscar Mayora obtained his Ph. D. in Electronic Engineering and Informatics at DIBE, University of Genoa, Italy in 2000. In the same year, he joined the Advance Interactive Systems Laboratory at VTT Electronics in Oulu, Finland, as an ERCIM Visiting Research Fellow. In August 2001 he was appointed Associate Professor in Computer Science at Tecnológico de Monterrey where he became head of the Graduate Program in Computer Science. From 2004 – 2016 he was Head of the Ubihealth area at Create-Net. Dr. Mayora is senior member of the ACM and SIG-CHI and was former president of ACM SIG-CHI for Mexico. Dr. Mayora is founder and permanent member of the steering committee of Pervasive Health Conference. He has published over 100 papers in International Conferences and Journals, participated as Guest Editor of special issues of Journals such as IEEE Intelligent Systems, EURASIP Signal Processing, Springer MONET and IMIA Journal on Methods of Information in Medicine in the topic of Pervasive Healthcare. Dr. Mayora has coordinated research projects at National and International level. He has been involved in projects in the topic of pervasive healthcare and assistive technologies sponsored by different funding instruments such as EC FP6, FP7, H2020 and ICT Labs among others with different roles. As project coordinator in FP6 SAMBA, FP7 MONARCA, NYMPHA PCP and Marie Curie UBIHEALTH Research Network and as participant in H2020 SmartSDK, FiwareMexico, FP7 INTERSTRESS, Rehab@ HOME, NextMedia and other local projects such as Riabiligames, iTheater, The Living Space and Ambient Aware Assistance. Since January 2017 Dr. Mayora is senior researcher at FBK High Impact Initiative on Health and Wellbeing, Scientific Coordinator of the EIP-AHA Trentino Reference Site on Active and Healthy Ageing, responsible for the Projects coordination of TrentinoSalute4.0 initiative and adjunct professor in the Faculty of Cognitive Sciences at University of Trento.
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