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April 27, 2017Alessandro Cimatti wins ETAPS “Test of Time Award”In an ever-changing and fast-moving field like software is, not everybody gets to make an internationally ground-breaking and far-reaching scientific work that will influence the industry for years to come. Alessandro Cimatti, with Fondazione Bruno Kessler's ICT Center, has succeeded: he received the "Test of Time Award" from ETAPS in Uppsala, Sweden.
April 26, 2017An FBK study on the Zika virus has been published in the international journal PNASThe paper shows that the epidemic trend was mainly determined by climatic and human mobility-related factors
April 19, 2017Technology and healthy lives“Key to Health” is the joint project of PAT, APSS, INAIL and FBK that promotes healthy lifestyles in the workplace
April 14, 2017What fuels for the mobility of the future?On the occasion of the Trento edition of “Greenweek – Festival della Green Economy” in March, we collected the voices of three experts who testify how increrasingly urgent it is to invest in alternative fuels.
April 13, 2017What are the effects of sleep deprivation on people’s health and productivity?A study conducted by researchers at the University of Lugano and the University of Pittsburgh (U.S.A.) reveals interesting implications. Fabrizio Mazzonna, professor of health economics, tells us more.
April 13, 2017Panel on “Commonfare” in TrentinoA technology platform useful for the exchange of information to anyone in a state of economic and job insecurity. It is called and is being developed under the European PIE News project, in which the CREATE-NET Research Center of Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Trento) participates.
April 12, 2017The Research institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies (FBK-IRVAPP) is seeking a new DirectorThe search for candidates for the position of new director for the humanities center of Fondazione Kessler, who will replace Antonio Schizzerotto, IRVAPP’s Chief officer since its creation in September 2008, started yesterday.
April 11, 2017Internet of things to engage museums’ audiencesThe meSch European project, in collaboration with museums, has just ended; FBK coordinated the work package on visit personalization.
April 11, 2017Alfio Gliozzo: a success story in international researchOn February 20, 2017, during the meeting for the presentation of the PhD program, the researcher from Sicily, FBK doctorate program alumnus, told us about his adventure in the world of artificial intelligence.
April 11, 2017Breuckmann Award – The winner is Erica NocerinoHer project explores the issue of 3D acquisition and modeling of small museum objects.
April 8, 2017Cyber School: how to tackle the digital revolution togetherHow will the new digital school be? How revolutionary and disruptive will this historic transition be for the school system? Are professors, teachers, and families and students alike - digital natives, reality or myth that we tell ourselves? - prepared to deal with the new challenges of a revolution that not only affects the tools, but requires a new cultural, pedagogical, social perspective?
April 6, 2017EDUCA towards a new Digital SchoolWhich school will come from digital technology? The shared reflection of Educa starts from #scuoladigitaletrentina and expands to the entire national system.
April 4, 2017Augmented reality: the “Replicate” and “Spark” projects at FBKWhat if we could simply pick up our cell phones, capture the interesting stuff around us and bring take it into our future 3D virtual lives? To find out more about it, we interviewed two experts in this kind of technology: Paul Chippendale, from FBK, and Gaetano Cascini, from the Polytechnic University of Milan.
April 4, 2017POLO MECCATRONICA: THE PARTNERSHIP FOR THE PROM FACILITY, PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT, SIMULATION AND RAPID PROTOTYPING LABS SIGNED ON APRIL 4, 2017Open to companies and to technical and specialized training programs, they can count on unparalleled technological equipment in Italy. Promoted by the Province and financed with European funds, the labs will be managed by Trentino Sviluppo, FBK and the University of Trento, in cooperation with Confindustria Trento