For a Human-Centered AI

Bruno Lepri

Bruno Lepri leads the Mobile and Social Computing Lab (MobS Lab) at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Trento, Italy) and he is vice-coordinator of the Complex Data Analytics research line. Bruno is also visiting scientist at the MIT Media Lab working with Human Dynamics group and with the MIT Connection Science initiative. He is currently responsible for the research tasks definition of the Mobile Territorial Lab, a living lab launched in November 2012 by Telecom Italia, FBK, MIT Media Lab and Telefonica involving more than 100 families in Trento. In 2013 he co-organized the Telecom Italia Big Data Challenge. In 2010 he won a Marie Curie Cofund post-doc fellow and he has hold post-doc positions at MIT Media Lab and FBK.

Spotlight's articles

  • July 10, 2024
    Physics for planning cities
    Un gruppo di ricerca di FBK e degli atenei di Trento e Padova ha sviluppato un modello computazionale che riproduce le strutture dei sistemi di trasporto urbano.
  • September 8, 2023
    Artificial intelligence, Trentino unit of Ellis started
    Fondazione Bruno Kessler and University of Trento join the European Machine Learning Network. The Department of Engineering and Information Science and the Center for Digital Society are involved. The initiative will serve the purpose of creating new businesses and start-ups
  • March 31, 2023
    Artificial Intelligence: Tango guides the revolution
    The new EU-funded project that will kick off in autumn 2023, with 21 partner organisations from 9 countries across Europe, is set to develop a new generation of human-centric AI systems and to strengthen the leadership of Europe in this area
  • June 10, 2021
    Big data and non-religion
    A new paper authored by FBK researchers Dominik Balazka and Bruno Lepri, with the contribution of Prof. Dick Houtman (KU Leuven), sheds light on the possible impact of Big Data on the future development of non-religion studies
  • February 5, 2021
    From code to market: Network of developers and correlated returns of cryptocurrencies
    Code has become an important societal regulator that challenges traditional institutions, from national laws to financial markets. A new research paper, coauthored by FBK researchers Lorenzo Lucchini and Bruno Lepri, has been published on Science Advances
  • November 27, 2020
    Work from home: results beyond expectations with some open questions about the future
    The data illustrated by Bruno Lepri during the webinar organized by FBK Academy are the findings of studies conducted by Harvard Business School, Austin Business School and Humanyze
  • September 21, 2020
    Big data, big faith? About beliefs and biases in algorithmic decision-making
    With the arrival of Big Data analytics, data rapidly became the petroleum of the 21st century and a new social contract came into existence.
  • September 3, 2020
    Crime in large cities: different cities, different causes
    The new study led by researchers Marco De Nadai and Bruno Lepri with FBK's Mobile and Social Computing Lab that explores the correlation between crime, socioeconomic conditions, environment features and mobility in 4 megacities has been published in "Nature Scientific Reports". Findings show how the variability of the dynamics and the history of each city make it very difficult to suggest universal recommendations to reduce crime