For a Human-Centered AI

Maurizio Napolitano

Technologist for FBK’s Digital Society center. He coordinates the Digital Commons Lab unit where he works on digital commons including open data and openstreetmap.

The work he does with his research group is the development of policies, actions, and software related to the world of given data.

He teaches Geospatial Analysis at the Master of Science in Data Science program at the University of Trento.

He has taught several courses aimed at journalists, academics, public administrators and innovators on socio-technical topics related to data analysis, data visualization, geospatial analysis, open data and communication. He has been a speaker at numerous popular events, including Republic-Next, World Wide Rome – Open Science, TEDxTrento, TEDxSiena, TEDxPotenza, and City Vision.

Spotlight's articles

  • June 12, 2024
    OPEN Trento x3
    What is meant by open artificial intelligence? Openness in AI not only has to do with the availability of software, but also with key issues such as transparency, reusability and sustainability of systems, while respecting essential ethical constraints imposed by standards.
  • December 13, 2022
    Francesco Weikmann wins a prize promoted by the United Nations and the European Commission
    The software developed, which enables the involvement of citizens to improve data collection on urban cycling, came in second at the Open Source Software for Sustainable Development Goals – Sustainable Cities & Communities (OSS4SDG) competition organized by the EU and the UN
  • June 15, 2021
    More maps for everyone
    The "Trento Time Travel Maps" project of the FBK Digital Society Center provides citizens with a series of urban maps to understand how the city has changed from the 19th century to today