Stefano Messelodi

Researcher of the TEV Research Unit (Technologies of Vision) FBK
Spotlight's articles
December 2, 20245VREAL project: technology innovation for sportsThe project was designed and implemented by the Free University of Bolzano with EMG Italy, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Small Pixels and Vodafone Italia. 5VREAL combines 5G and Artificial Intelligence to improve technical analysis and the sports experience, from playing fields to television broadcasting.
June 5, 2023The evolution of industrial maintenanceAs part of its collaboration with the Rovereto-based company PAMA, the Vision Technologies Research Unit at FBK's Digital Industry Center oversaw the development of computer vision modules for remote troubleshooting and industrial maintenance through an augmented reality-based application. The solution developed ensures data security, allows for user experience customization, enables predictive analytics, and facilitates the creation of maintenance ticket and intervention requests.
December 15, 2020Augmented reality for industrial maintenancePAMA Rovereto adopted an FBK project thanks to HIT and Confindustria Trento Digital Innovation Hub