September 6, 2024Summer learning loss: what is it and how to contrast itInteresting research insights emerge on the phenomenon from the quantitative and qualitative evaluation study conducted by FBK-IRVAPP
July 29, 2024Artificial intelligence for weather forecasting and climate studiesAt FBK an autumn school whose target audience are university students, researchers and professionals.
June 19, 2023The effects of implicit stereotypes about immigrants on Italian schools studentsMichela Carlana, professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, presented the results of a research work conducted in Italian schools in order to assess the impact of stereotypes on immigrant students in teacher-student interactions.
May 18, 2023The thousand pieces of the glassThe "CheEntropia!" project, promoted by ITT M. Buonarroti of Trento with FBK, has led not only to awareness and attention to an irreversible natural process such as entropy, but also to the creative creation of an ad hoc short film signed by the students of the schools involved, viewable at the end of this article.
May 18, 2023Does financial literacy start at home?Giovanna Paladino addresses the topic of financial literacy by trying to understand whether money management models are part of parental educational content and how these are transferred generationally and are appropriated by children.
March 8, 2023Countering summer learning loss is possibleAn innovative and novel study in Italy to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention to counteract learning loss during the long summer school break.
February 22, 2023Testing and supporting the use of digital learning assessmentThe Institute for Evaluation Research on Public Policies at Fondazione Bruno Kessler has evaluated the impact of the Toolkit platform, which aims to help the dissemination of digital learning evaluation.
December 13, 2022Seeing with new sensesFBK-IRVAPP is conducting the SENSES (Seeing with new senses) project to assess an experiential intervention aimed at raising awareness of visual impairments and against stereotypes in sxhools. In collaboration with the social cooperative Abilnova and with the support of Fondazione Caritro
November 25, 2022STOP ONLINE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMENStandByMe european projects aim at countering online Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) via youth actions in Italy, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia and the rest of Europe.
November 21, 2022CheSpreco! A local educational project to learn together not to throw food in the trash anymoreCheSpreco! (what a waste!) the FBK project funded by the CARITRO Foundation allowed, on its wrapping-up event, the fruitful exchange of good practices devised by the students of 4 Trentino high schools. Lots of innovative proposals to actually take food out of the trash and contribute to the fight against food waste.
May 11, 2022One school, many schoolsThe school model we have experienced is not the only one possible. A journey into the school universe with the historians Enrico Valseriati and Vanessa Roghi.
May 9, 2022Open School and Educating CommunityTogether with the ecological one, we need an educational transition, centered on education for opportunities. Schools that teache to learn, more than single disciplines, connected with all those entities in the local area that care about the future of humankind.
January 21, 2022Sensors to sniff the airFunded by the CARIT Foundation, the TernAria project, led by FBK, involves Arpa Umbria, Airi and ADI. Proposed topic: the cycle of innovation, from research to a product on the market. FBK to continue its partnership with the schools of Terni for another 3 years
August 26, 2021WEBVALLEY 2021: presentation of resultsThe closing event of the summer school organized by Fondazione Bruno Kessler for high school students to be held virtually August 27,from 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm. The event will be streamed live also on Fondazione Bruno Kessler's Youtube and Facebook channels
May 31, 2021Learning about emotions. Why your emotional intelligence is more important than your IQThe ability to express one's own experience, to recognize one's own and others' emotions, manage and master them to establish solid and empathic relationships. This is emotional intelligence. Article by Letizia Lacava, FBK Magazine guest blogger
August 27, 2020Gamification, a hi-tech antidote for ADHDFrom the US, a new recipe to contain hyperactivity and low attention.
October 3, 2019Technologies in education: how to go to the topA report by Nesta Italia and Compagnia di San Paolo discloses engaging experiences on the link between education and technology. The publication is full of case studies useful for designing new learning processes
June 18, 2019School closures as a possible solution to the spread of the fluResearch conducted on 450 individuals in Tomsk (Russia) revealed how interrupting school activities affect limiting influenza cases
April 8, 2019“La bottega della scienza”: a special dayCitizens, researchers and schools come together to carry out a scientific research project
September 19, 2018Complex Networks: what are and why we need themHow can we understand real systems? How can we predict what will happen next? Network science gives some answers to that and can help researchers to find a new way to gain insights into different domains.
September 18, 2018The future of the school is for everyoneAnother school year has just begun, and it seems like a good time to wonder about how the school will evolve in the future. Can technology really help us learn more and better? Which digital tools will we use to study?
July 21, 2017WITH ROBO-summer PLAYING IS LEARNINGFirst edition of the educational robotics lab to bring Elementary School Children to STEM disciplines (Physics, Mathematics, Engineering and Computer Science)
June 15, 2017“Andare avanti. Non fermarsi. Approfondire. Questo è quanto quell’esperienza mi ha insegnato”Daniele Gadler ha partecipato WebValley nel 2013 e attualmente studia Informatica in una prestigiosa università in Germania
January 30, 2017FBK in “The Economist”Technology of language and religions. Trento-based Fondazione Bruno Kessler mentioned twice this month in the worldwide reknown weekly magazine.
January 14, 2017DOMOSENS, team play for a winning productThe kick-off meeting of the DOMOSENS project, which involves 6 Trentino schools was held on October 13, 2016.
January 7, 2017IRVAPP WINTER SCHOOL 2017 – Fundamentals and Methods for Impact Evaluation of Public PoliciesFrom February 13 to 18 will take place the school organized by FBK-IRVAPP (Institute for evaluative research of public policies) at the Venetian Institute of Sciences, Letters and Arts in Venice.
September 6, 2016Trento hosting over 60 translators for the update school organized by FBKA training opportunity on the development of machine translation technologies that have become essential tools for the translator profession today.