Cesare Furlanello

Cesare Furlanello received his degree in Mathematics at the University of Padua, Italy, in 1986. He is at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Centre for Scientific and Technological Research of Trento) since 1987, now a Senior Researcher. He is currently leader of the MPBA Project (previously the ITC-IRST Neural Networks for Complex Data Analysis Project, since 1995).
Spotlight's articles
May 29, 2019Krithik Ramesh, from the Intel prize to Webvalley 2019The student from Cherry Creek High School in Colorado (USA), awarded at INTEL ISEF, will be in Trentino for the FBK summer camp
May 14, 2019AI Open Innovation Lab: students bring artificial intelligence to pharmaciesThe 2019 edition of the laboratory organized by Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Istituto Artigianelli and the University of Trento has wrapped up. Prizes were awarded to students who have created an artificial intelligence solution for the pharmaceutical industry
April 10, 2019FBK at the 2019 education festivalThe program of the tenth edition of Educa was presented today. Fondazione Bruno Kessler will be present with a science cafè, an information corner, two workshops and three round-table discussions.
February 7, 2019China: starting in 2019 AI will be included in high school curriculaThe Chinese government will introduce a book on this topic entitled "Fundamental Principles of Artificial Intelligence" in 40 schools. And how is it going in Italy?
June 22, 2018Webvalley 2018: Looking for new solutions in the fight against pediatric cancerThere are eighteen of them. They come from all over Italy and the US: the young budding researchers who together with FBK experts are developing a new solution of Artificial Intelligence for the neuro-oncological patients of the Bambino Gesù of Rome.
May 16, 2018FBK and Microsoft together for precision medicineFBK presented a major new machine learning project for Precision Medicine that leverages Azure cloud computing capability and a $ 20,000 grant support under the Azure for Research program at the Microsoft Edu Day2018
March 27, 2018Webvalley 2018: blockchain, artificial intelligence and privacyWebValley 2018: over 70 applications from 17 and 18 year-old kids from all over Italy. This year's theme: Machine Learning for Healthcare with Privacy-by-Design
October 17, 2017A web platform for the climate in TrentinoPresented on October 5 the ClimAtlas platform, a "web dashboard" for the study of climate change in our Province
July 7, 2017WebValley 2017: the Data Science School Dedicated to Digital Agriculture Wrapped UpFrom June 18, in Val di Non (Trentino), the young participants worked alongside experts and researchers with the aim of creating a new Artificial Intelligence solution to anticipate fruit ripening and quality.
June 16, 2017Ready to start? Here’s the Webvalley 2017 team12 Italians, of which 6 from Trentino, and 6 Americans are the protagonists of the 17th edition of WebValley, which will open the lab on Sunday, June 18, in Casez, Valle di Non (Trentino).