Pier Luigi Sacco

Pier Luigi Sacco is Professor of Cultural Economics at IULM University in Milan. One of the first to associate the word culture with the word economics, he focuses on the social value of culture. According to Professor Sacco, innovation, creativity and cultural production are fundamental elements for the development of a region and of a country.
Spotlight's articles
June 9, 2022Complexity Article of the Year 2021 for an FBK paper on Adaptive Urban Policy-Making"Complex Urban Systems: Challenges and Integrated Solutions for the Sustainability and Resilience of Cities" is the title of the awarded paper, published in Complexity - special issue "The Complexity of Mobility and Human Dynamics in Cities", and coauthored by Riccardo Gallotti, leader of the Complex Human Behaviour Lab @ FBK Digital Society Center.
February 26, 2021Released the full version of COVID19 INFODEMIC OBSERVATORY by FBK CoMuNe LabWith many new features, a freely and user friendly platform to independently conduct a number of analysis for which at the moment there is no other online resource available
October 21, 2020How does the connectivity of the communication networks (mentions, replies) responds to certain banning (or dismantling) strategies?A recently published article by FBK researchers provides new insights about how the presence or absence of moderation in online interacting contexts shape the organization and the communicative functioning of the underlying systems.
June 30, 2020FBK PARTNERS WITH WHO ON NEW INITIATIVE TO MONITOR COVID-19 INFODEMICS FROM AROUND THE WORLDFBK team of researchers led by Manlio De Domenico will develop a computational platform for interactive monitoring and visualization of COVID-19 infodemic on social media and a report on the global state of COVID-19 infodemic.
April 21, 2020Covid19 Infodemics Observatory follow upManlio De Domenico and Pierluigi Sacco participated to the World Health Organization ad-hoc technical consultation on managing the COVID-19 infodemic, held on 7–8 April 2020
March 24, 2020Measuring fake news about Covid-19Too many countries are exposed to fake news: the CoMuNe Lab research unit (FBK) has analyzed conversations on twitter on a global level, discovering that the behavior of users and bots on social media produced faults in the correct information, especially in Italy before the arrival of the first cases of contagion
October 17, 2018In praise of imperfectionIRVAPP seminar with prof. Massimo Buscema, expert in Artificial Intelligence and deep learning faced with a perspective that is "different from the mainstream"
June 7, 2018When art changes societyHow can pleasure be a principle for innovation? What is the key motivational factor? How important is impact measurement? Why do we need crazyness? - A conversation with Doris Sommer from Harvard
June 5, 2018Culture is much more than a soft issueBuilding a stronger Europe: new initiatives to further boost role of youth, education and culture policies