Matteo Serra

Physicist and science communicator, head of “CittadinI per la ScienzA” (CISA) project, call “Comunicatori STAR della scienza” – Provincia Autonoma di Trento.
Contributor of “Le Scienze”, “la Repubblica” and other scientific magazines.
Master degree (2009) and Ph.D. (2014) in Theoretical Physics, University of Cagliari.
Master course “La scienza nella pratica giornalistica” (2016), Sapienza University of Rome.
Fellow of Erice International Science Journalism School (2018).
Member of the association SWIM – Science Writers in Italy (since 2018).
Author's articles
May 18, 2023The thousand pieces of the glassThe "CheEntropia!" project, promoted by ITT M. Buonarroti of Trento with FBK, has led not only to awareness and attention to an irreversible natural process such as entropy, but also to the creative creation of an ad hoc short film signed by the students of the schools involved, viewable at the end of this article.
December 9, 2020Seeing the invisible with the “FastGhost” quantum microscopeA new research project funded by the European Union, whose partners also include FBK, aims to create a cutting-edge microscopy technique that will lead to important applications
October 27, 2020Diabetes and artificial intelligence: from citizens to researchA collaboration between a diabetic patient and the FBK eHealth research group stemmed from the "La bottega della Scienza" project, which gathers scientific research proposals advanced by citizens and involves schools.
September 16, 2020“PRINCIPIA”, a new peer-review platform is hereA group of Italian researchers has advanced a chainblock-based platform, which aims to reform the scientific publications system, restoring the centrality of academia over journal publishers
July 1, 2020The 2020 edition of “Scienza ad ore sei” has wrapped upThe five events of the science café series can still be viewed on Youtube
June 15, 2020Irrefutable uncertaintiesA study published in "Nature", with two FBK researchers involved, investigated the extent to which different research groups can reach different conclusions by analyzing the same data
April 15, 2020Fighting fake news on Covid-19: unity is strengthThe FBK research group CoMuNe Lab, which recently created a platform for monitoring tweets about coronavirus, has launched an open call to scientists and experts for support in data analysis. This is sheer "open science"
March 24, 2020RISS, the Italian network of Science ShopsThe Italian Network of Science Shops is born: it unites realities which collect and carry on ideas for scientific research proposed by citizens
July 17, 2019Ada Lovelace and women in computer scienceNot everyone knows that British mathematician Ada Lovelace was among the pioneers of computer science. Today, however, the percentage of women who study or work in this area is still very low
April 8, 2019“La bottega della scienza”: a special dayCitizens, researchers and schools come together to carry out a scientific research project
February 14, 2019The sociology of gravitational wavesAt what speed do the "social ripples" produced by a great scientific discovery move? A book describes the exemplary case of gravitational waves
November 6, 2018WORKING WITH A NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATEAntonino Picciotto deals with developing silicon devices for industrial and research applications at Povo-based FBK. He signed one of his studies with Gérard Mourou, the winner of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics
September 24, 2018A rather special boutiqueWe visited the "Boutique des sciences" in Lyon, one of the most interesting landmarks in the European landscape of "Science Shops", organizations that carry out scientific research on behalf of civil society
August 14, 2018The Quantum Challenges of the FutureBetween revolutionary applications and theoretical problems still unresolved, quantum mechanics is running fast towards new ambitious goals. Above all, quantum computers
June 7, 2018Exclusive interview with Piero Angela: “Our future? It’s like a chess game”Technology is revolutionizing our society profoundly, with discoveries that would once have been considered science fiction. According to Piero Angela, the ongoing revolution also entails many risks, especially for young people
May 29, 2018Lifestyles and nutrition: the challenges of the futureProfessor Luigi Fontana illustrated, at FBK, the most effective strategy to keep physical and mental well-being. The ingredients are three: healthy nutrition, physical activity and cognitive training
May 10, 2018Science at six o’clock: ethical and technological challenges of artificial intelligence and healthA big audience at MUSE for "Would you let a robot treat you?", the fourth event of the "Science at six o'clock" series of meetings, which saw the participation of Giuseppe Jurman from FBK and Carlo Casonato from the University of Trento
May 9, 2018Would you let a robot treat you?Wednesday, May 9 at MUSE "Science at 6 o'clock" returns: the series of science happy hours featuring researchers from the University of Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Edmund Mach Foundation and MUSE - with the coordination of the Autonomous Province of Trento - called to discuss with the public on current scientific topics
April 18, 2018Science on saleWe met in Bonn Norbert Steinhaus, one of the managers of the city's "Science shop", a structure able to mediate between the needs of citizens and those of different local stakeholders
March 22, 2018“Science at 6 o’clock” starts with a sprintThe MUSE Café hosted the first event, dedicated to glyphosate, of the series of science happy hours. The event was attended by over seventy people
March 7, 2018Is space curiosity or business?At the opening of the Co.Scienza festival, the president of the Italian Space Agency Roberto Battiston and the science popularizer Adrian Fartrade were the protagonists of a lively debate about the ultimate goal of space exploration
March 5, 2018Going to the Theater in the City of ElectronsThe project for schools, which aims to create a scientific and informative text, has come to life: at the end of a thrilling challenge, the work of the "Maffei" high school in Riva del Garda, which described the physics of semiconductors in a theatrical key, has been awarded the prize
August 24, 2017How to Shield us From Fake News, According to Paolo AttivissimoThe journalist specializing in ICT and well-known fake news "huntsman" has unveiled to an audience of young students the tricks to spot online fake news
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