November 26, 2024An Unexpected Find – Sarah Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough (1660–1744) in the FBK Library’s Fondo AnticoA 'female player' in early modern transnational historiography.
October 29, 2024The Nobel Prize in physics explained by our physicist Federica MantegazziniInterview by Claudio Ferlan, editor of FBK Magazine, on the occasion of the researcher's participation in the “Semplicemente Nobel” event.
March 13, 2024HOLYLAB: a global economic organization in the early modern age. The Franciscan custody of the Holy Land through its accounting records.FBK's Italian-German Historical Institute is a partner in the ERC project Holylab - A global economic organization in the early modern period: The Custody of the Holy Land through its account books (1600-1800). Felicita Tramontana, principal investigator of the project, tells us about it.
February 28, 2024The indelible faintness of tracesA new joint FBK-ISIG and 3DOM project that reveals the face of the city of Trento from the profound changes that have affected it over the years and the effects these have had on the community.
February 15, 2024One hundred years of Bruno KesslerIt's been one hundred years since Bruno Kessler was born. From an outlying valley he managed to reach the center of Trentino, never forgetting his roots. He was president of the province at the height of Trentino's modernization, to which he largely contributed.
November 15, 2023The interdisciplinarity of environmental historyWe open the FBK Dictionary column with this article on environmental history, an innovative line of research that is very active at FBK-ISIG.
October 11, 2023EducationAlso Kessler went to school, but what do we know about his education? Receiving education for him was not easy for sure and perhaps this is the reason why he later on put a lot of his attention on culture and education
October 9, 2023The FORUM devoted to the environmental history of fascism.An invitation to reflect on natural disasters and the role of monuments in the construction of memory.
September 20, 2023Book of the month. A cycle of events to ponder over history through the written pageA series of events entitled "Book of the month", organized by the Italian-German Historical Institute in cooperation with the Foundation's Library, will be starting on Sept. 28, at Fondazione Bruno Kessler's location in via Santa Croce 77.
September 11, 2023An historical perspective on mobility and interactions between travelers and local residentsThe latest issue of the Annali of ISIG takes an in-depth look at the concept of mobility in the early modern age and the relationships that were created between travelers and local inhabitants.
July 26, 2023Holiday timeKessler's correspondence consists not only of long letters about politics, but also of greeting cards, telegrams and postcards
July 6, 2023Fifty years agoIn the 1973 provincial budget, we find the first small steps of the Italian-German Historical Institute, the oldest research institute in what is now Fondazione Bruno Kessler
July 3, 2023Abortion: cultural, political, medical choices comparedA contemporary analysis of the (non) right to abortion in Italy, Europe and the world from politics to law and medicine.
June 15, 2023The ARO Forum devoted to the volume “Dangerous Books”An invitation to think about the cultural effects of media control.
April 6, 2023Trentino bombingsThere is little trace in Kessler's papers of the early part of his life, which remains in the background of an important political career: however, some of the experience of the bombings in World War II remains.
March 23, 2023Not just a name. The Legacy of Bruno KesslerRadio FBK's new podcast presents the conversation among historians around the figure of Bruno Kessler, Trentino's ferryman from what it was until the early 1960s to what it has become over the next four decades.
March 23, 2023The Kessler Era. Considerations on the sidelines of a research study2024 will mark the 100th anniversary of Bruno Kessler's birth. A research project aims to delve into his political story.
March 20, 2023Archives and research: the conclusion of the Grenzakten 2.0 projectArchival study and the evolving concept of borders at the heart of the Grenzakten 2.0 project, thanks to which the large documentary collection on the borders of modern Europe preserved in the two State Archives of Innsbruck and Trento is now accessible.
March 2, 2023Artificial intelligence and journalistic content. Predictions for a plausible futureIn my interest in journalism, there is a moment marked on the agenda, with highlighter. I refer to the annual appointment with the Niemand Foundation website, which at the end of the calendar year asks some of the "smartest people in journalism and media" for predictions for developments in journalism in the coming year.
February 23, 2023February 17, 1924 – February 17, 2023 (for he time being)99 years after Kessler's birth, we are preparing to celebrate his centenary by trying to rediscover his figure. Reflecting on anniversaries and especially on the individuals who inspire them.
February 14, 2023History changesMassimo Rospocher is the new director of the Italian-German Historical Institute FBK. We asked him about his plans for the coming years, how history is changing and how his own history has changed.
January 27, 2023Let’s start at the end: the footage of Kessler’s funeralThanks to a VHS, we can review the original 1991 footage, which allows us to reflect on the fact that the images we see are always the product of someone's choice.
January 18, 2023After the sixteenth century, also the seventeetnth century in ISIG’s Hidden Trento appISIG researchers worked together with the Museo Diocesano Tridentino to enhance the history of the city of Trento in the seventeenth century and museum collections
December 29, 2022A journey through Bruno Kessler’s papersWith a new research project, we also begin a journey through the papers of Bruno Kessler, in the company of historian Camilla Tenaglia, from FBK-ISIG (Italian-German Historical Institute)
November 21, 2022CheSpreco! A local educational project to learn together not to throw food in the trash anymoreCheSpreco! (what a waste!) the FBK project funded by the CARITRO Foundation allowed, on its wrapping-up event, the fruitful exchange of good practices devised by the students of 4 Trentino high schools. Lots of innovative proposals to actually take food out of the trash and contribute to the fight against food waste.
October 24, 2022Cities and regions under the spell of (de-)globalizationEdition No. 63 of the Italian-German Historical Institute's Study Week took place from Oct. 12 to 14, 2022.
October 13, 2022Between historiography and the public use of historyThe "ARO" forum devoted to the history of the German Empire provides an opportunity to reflect on the relationship between historiography and public memory
September 1, 2022Hoaxes in food and hoaxes in online searchesHow much can we trust reviews and comments found online? The risk of fake or artfully cooked news is always around the corner, we propose a parallel between catering and research to think about it.
June 8, 2022GRENZAKTEN 2.0: an investigation into the deeds relating to the borders kept in Trento and InnsbruckISIG historian Katia Occhi recounts the articulated project dedicated to documents on borders created between 1400 and 1800
May 31, 2022Writing history, writing storiesThe "Aro" Forum dedicated to "Veronica and the Devil" is an opportunity to reflect on the writing of history
May 26, 2022The laboratoryConsiderations of a historian on the importance of team work and confronting during the writing of manuals.
May 23, 2022The geopolitics of soccerBarring resounding twists and turns, Italy will not be at the World Cup to be played in Qatar between November and December. Those who struggle to cope with watching a World Cup orphaned by their national team can make up for it by diving deeper into the study of the history of the World Cup, to which historical research has in recent times devoted some attention.
May 13, 2022The visit of the German Ambassador Viktor Elbling to FBKViktor Elbling, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Italy, visited the Bruno Kessler Foundation in Trento, accompanied by the Honorary Consul of the German Federal Republic for the Trentino-Alto Adige Region, the lawyer Gerhard Brandstätter. They were welcomed by Francesco Profumo, the President of the Foundation, the Secretary General Andrea Simoni and the Director of the Italian-German Historical Institute (FBK-ISIG) Christoph Cornelißen
May 11, 2022Deep fake: between history and current affairsThis month's podcast and vodcast sees a conversation between a human scientist (historian Claudio Ferlan) and a researcher in science and technology (Elisabetta Farella). An interdisciplinary path around the topic of falsehood, in history as well as in the present time. An open reflection that poses new questions and at the same time allows us to take a closer look at what the craft of research is all about, exploring the laboratory of knowledge in the making
May 11, 2022One school, many schoolsThe school model we have experienced is not the only one possible. A journey into the school universe with the historians Enrico Valseriati and Vanessa Roghi.
May 11, 2022No more news, let’s focus on informationHere come the Radio FBK podcasts: the Research you don't expect
May 3, 2022Call for the selection of FBK-ISIG Center director publishedApplications may be submitted by July 18, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. as indicated in the FBK website dedicated section
April 13, 2022Claudio Ferlan is the new editor in chief for Fondazione Bruno Kessler’s MagazineConsiderations on scientific communication and on the new look of the FBK Magazine
February 10, 2022The journal “Annali.Recensioni.Online” (ARO) goes electronicThe purpose is promoting a wider circulation of historical research and historiographical innovations
November 25, 2021FBK for International Day for the Elimination of Violence against WomenA comment by ISIG historian Cecilia Nubola and a hint to some related research insights that, for example, employ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE technologies to GENERATE COUNTER-NARRATIONS USEFUL TO FIGHT ONLINE HATE SPEECH
October 28, 2021Who invented Halloween?Before the Catholic feast of All Saints (November 1) there is that of Halloween (October 31), which is increasingly present in Italian families. But are they really two separate occasions? By carefully marching back through the centuries, we can find the arguments to build our answer to this question.
October 19, 2021Hidden Trento – the city of the Council within reach of an APPThe city of the Council in an app developed by the Italian-German Historical Institute at Fondazione Bruno Kessler as part of the PURE European research project
March 25, 2021Fasting is not anymore what it used to beWe are in Lent, the forty-day period preceding Easter which according to Catholic norms should be characterized by fasting and abstinence. Often the two terms are used interchangeably, but it is wrong to do so.
November 20, 2020Handmaids coming out of the shadows? The professional dimension of women over the centuriesConsiderations on the female professional dimension with Anna Bellavitis and Melania Mazzucco
June 18, 2020Study Week FBK – ISIG (Italian-German Historical Institute) 2020The health emergency forces us to postpone the awaited event entitled "Environment and infrastructures from the early modern period to the present: challenges, knowledge and innovation" to next year.
May 28, 2020Cambiamenti: tra passato, presente e futuro | changes: between past, present and futureThe reflections of Francesco Profumo, Claudia Dolci and Fernanda Alfieri on the transition period we are going through
April 22, 2020MISLEADING MACHINES. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AFTER THE TURING TESTThe first webinar organized by FBK-ISIG in the time of Covid-19 focused on the analysis by media historian Simone Natale
November 22, 2019Weimar, a hundred years laterFondazione Bruno Kessler is hosting the Siscalt conference dedicated to the complexity of the German republican experience one hundred years after its birth
July 8, 2019When the media make historyThe ISIG 2019 summer school has involved modern and contemporary history scholars in an intense debate on ongoing research projects and scientific investigation methods
May 28, 2019Stories of EuropeA discussion from different perspectives starting from the critical reading of the books "L'Europa che fu" by Pietro Rossi, "European Modernity" by Bo Stråth and Peter Wagner, and finally, "Projekt Europa" by Kiran Klaus Patel entrusted to Edward Tortarolo, Christoph Cornelißen and Gabriele D'Ottavio
May 16, 2019Call Paolo Prodi Award 2019The winner will be invited to deliver a public lecture in Trento during the 'Giornata in ricordo di Paolo Prodi'
March 28, 2019Claudio Ferlan wins a grant at Boston CollegeThe FBK-ISIG researcher was selected with a writing project that investigates the relationship between religion and food
December 18, 2018European funding of over one million euros for the “pure” humanities studies project in which fbk participatesThe research dedicated to rediscovering public spaces will be launched in 2019 and will be conducted in partnership with a consortium of European companies. The creation of theme-based routes apps to discover the signs of the past in contemporary cities is also planned
November 16, 2018Men who abuse women. A look between past and presentInitiative in view of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
October 29, 2018Selfie di Stato. Come si auto-rappresenta oggi il potere?La rappresentazione per immmagini delle più alte cariche dello Stato ha sempre avuto un impatto rilevante, soprattutto in termini storiografici. Maurizio Cau, ricercatore di FBK-ISIG, ci spiega il perché.
September 14, 2018The history of the media between the modern and the contemporary agesTrento is hosting the FBK-ISIG Study Week September 19-21
July 19, 2018Scholarships for young researchers on history of the mediaApplications must be submitted by August 15, 2018
May 29, 2018LX Study Week on Mediatisation and Mediality of History in the Modern and Contemporary EraThe Italian-German Historical Institute (FBK-ISIG) offers 10 grants to cover board and lodgings expenses for the days of the conference
April 13, 2018The city of hospitality. Urban culture and public space in Trento at the time of the CouncilA historical research project aims to shed light on the tourist vocation and the evolution of the social fabric in Trento in 1500
October 25, 2017Mobility Stories: Cecilia NubolaCecilia Nubola, researcher at Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Italian and German Historical Studies, tell us about her mobility period at Glasgow Strathclyde University.
October 11, 2017A Day to Remember Paolo ProdiFBK is hosting an event dedicated to the memory of the intellectual who founded ISIG. Among the guests are Romano Prodi and Massimo Cacciari
October 2, 2017Italy and Germany. Dialogue between historiographiesFBK's Italian-German Historical Institute is hosting the Study Week November 22 through 24, 2017. Young researchers and PhD students will have the opportunity to present their research projects.
September 11, 2017Media and Society: the Role of TelevisionHistorian Christina von Hodenberg told FBK how television has changed the pace and habits of families since the post-war period until today
September 5, 2017Paolo Prodi Award 2017 call for nominationsAn award to honor the memory of the founder of the Italian-German Historical Institute
July 3, 2017AUDIENCES, FRUITION, IDENTITIES. SOCIAL HISTORY OF TV IN ITALYThrough diaries, letters, illustrated magazines and oral memories, the historical reconstruction of television audience through the changes of the 1950s and 60s
May 18, 2017The 2017 edition of the Lectio degasperiana: Letta and Cornelissen at Pieve Tesino on August 18Enrico Letta and FBK-Isig Director Christoph Cornelissen will hold the Lectio Degasperiana 2017 on Friday 18 August at Pieve Tesino, on the initiative of the Trentino Foundation Alcide De Gasperi. Lectio 2107 will explore in depth the relationship between Alcide De Gasperi and Konrad Adenauer, whose fiftieth death anniversary is being celebrated this year, and will analyze the link between Italy and Germany in the context of a new European perspective.
May 8, 2017Aldo Moro: thought and politics. The National Edition of his works.The project for the national online and open access edition of Moro's works, to which Fondazione Bruno Kessler is collaborating through their Italian-German Historical Institute (FBK-ISIG) and Digital Humanities team with the Center for Information and Communication Technologies (FBK-ICT), will be presented next Wednesday, May 10, at the Historical Archive of the President of the Republic's Office, in Rome.
October 28, 2016The Protestant Reformation in the context of global historyThe conference "The Protestant Reformation in the context of global history" being hosted at Trento-based Fondazione Bruno Kessler wraps up tomorrow. Religious reforms and civilizations".
September 5, 2016The book by Giovanni Bernardini on the De Gasperi-Gruber Accord. An international piece of history, is outThe volume, part of the FBK Press series, recounts the international significance of the Agreement, which helped make it a highly advanced legal document for its time in the protection of ethnic and linguistic minorities