Silvia Malesardi

I work as Chief Communication & External Realtions Officer for FBK, the top Research institute in Italy, ranked at the 1st place for scientific excellence within 3 different subject areas (ICT, History and Sociology) and for the economic and social impact.
My Experience includes:
– Master degree “Media Communication & Cultural Events management”
– Bachelor degree in Communication sciences
– 8+ years as international events manager (e.g. 13th International Semantic Web conference, 18th International Conference On Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, 16th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, 15th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing V Symposium, …)
– 8+ year experience as special project coordinator (European Projects Researchers’ Night 2009-2013)
– 6+ year experience as Head of Events and Communication Unit.
Main responsabilities includes:
– Developing an integrated communications strategy, with special a focus on digital Communication & events management
– Implementing communication plan to increase brand awareness and recognition of FBK
– Communicating brand to internal customers and stakeholders
– Overseeing the annual communications budget
– Program & plan the overall events calendar
FBK – Fondazione Bruno Kessler
FBK is a research non-profit public interest entity. Being the result of a history that is more than half a century old, through 2 scientific hubs, 7 research centers, 410 researchers, 2 specialized libraries, 7 laboratories, FBK aims to results of excellence in science and technology with particular emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches and to the applicative dimension.
Author's articles
December 12, 2024Massimo Leone and Mirco Tonin reconfirmed at the head of the FBK-ISR and FBK-IRVAPP research centresI due direttori avranno un mandato triennale
July 26, 2024Artificial Intelligence as a driver for innovation for Trentino-based companiesMaurizio Gianordoli, FBK vice-president, illustrates the main applications of AI for the local area, the challenges of technological integration and the future vision for a competitive and sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem.
May 24, 2024Small and medium-sized enterprises, productivity and cognitive automationResta, FBK: "In times of rapid technology evolution, collaboration between SMEs and R&D centers is essential.".
May 24, 2024The Future of the AI in Europe with the AI ActThe Festival of Economics, hosted a debate on recently passed European legislation
May 23, 2024The challenge of the future: beyond rare earths, rare peopleSTEM talent and skills today at the Festival of Economics
April 17, 2024Chips ACT: FBK among key players in Italian Pilot Line for advanced microchips15 million for silicon carbide research and new laboratories dedicated to semiconductors planned for FBK
March 15, 2024Butti: “Foundations and AI, a combination to develop synergies”On March 14, Undersecretary of State for the President of the Council of Ministers' Office Alessio Butti visited Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) ahead of the G7 meeting dedicated to Artificial Intelligence to be held in Trento, Italy.
March 10, 2023The newly established “Fair” foundation will manage 114 million from the PNRR on artificial intelligence.FBK is leading the spoke dedicated to integrative AI.
July 6, 2022An international recognition for semantic video understandingThe FBK TeV Unit made a significant contribution to the team that came in first in the EPIC-KITCHENS competition on egocentric vision.
June 20, 2022HEALTHCARE INNOVATION DAY – Trento hosted the roadshow to promote exchange between Israeli and Trentino based companiesHeld on June 20, 2022 at FBK in Povo, the roadshow in which an Israeli delegation led by Jonathan Hadar, director for economic and trade affairs of the Israeli's Ministry of Economy Foreign Trade Administration, presented to local entities the best solutions for digital health that Israel has developed and deployed for a health care system that has had to deal with the newly emerged pandemic.
May 11, 2022No more news, let’s focus on informationHere come the Radio FBK podcasts: the Research you don't expect
March 18, 2021A 30 YEARS AFTER HIS PASSING, FBK AND UNITRENTO REMEMBER BRUNO KESSLER, THEIR FOUNDERThirty years after the death of Bruno Kessler, FBK and the University of Trento remembered the figure of their founder on the occasion of the delivery of a work by artist Riccardo Schweizer, now entitled “Homage to Bruno Kessler”.
December 30, 2020A new organization for the Bruno Kessler FoundationStarting from January 1, 2021, the statute of FBK has changed: there are now 6 new Research Centres and a Management dedicated to Marketing and business development will be soon inaugurated.
November 5, 2020Smart working, the FBK modelTackling the new challenges of hybrid work by innovating
October 2, 2020FBK has chosen who will lead the new Research CentersCimatti will lead the digital industry center, Crema the one for sustainable energy, Pistore the one for the digital society and Ranise the one for cybersecurity. As for health, there will be three new centers: health and wellness services will be entrusted to Forti, health emergencies to Merler and artificial intelligence for health and well-being to Ghidini.
September 3, 2020Crime in large cities: different cities, different causesThe new study led by researchers Marco De Nadai and Bruno Lepri with FBK's Mobile and Social Computing Lab that explores the correlation between crime, socioeconomic conditions, environment features and mobility in 4 megacities has been published in "Nature Scientific Reports". Findings show how the variability of the dynamics and the history of each city make it very difficult to suggest universal recommendations to reduce crime
May 10, 2018FBK’s 2017 profit and loss statement approved2017 was a positive year of growth at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, marked by the certification of the excellence of its research by the Anvur evaluation and by an ever increasing investment in projects and partnerships for innovation that saw the start of the joint laboratory with the Poligrafico della Zecca dello Stato and the coming to its Povo premises of the FIAT Chrysler Research Center (FCA).
April 14, 2018Leadership for innovation in schoolsThe book dedicated to change in schools through the training of teachers and principals and to digital programs was presented at the EDUCA Festival
March 27, 2018Digital manufacturers: the green revolution starts hereWhat are the sustainable jobs of the future? Why does sustainability become a social obligation for everyone, including small, medium and large companies? Why will the professions of the future have to integrate technical skills - primarily digital - and soft skills with the aspect of care of the ecosystem, an asset that belongs to all and that must be preserved and handed down to those who will come after us?
February 22, 2018FBK’s mission Russia: agreement signed with Moscow-based SkoltechInnovative solutions for 3D city modeling and energy are the first areas on which the Trentino based research center and the Russian university will collaborate
December 20, 20172018: FBK dedicates the year to Artificial IntelligencePresident Profumo presented the new strategic and business plans, dedicated to Artificial Intelligence. A tight 2018 calendar of events, starting with the sixth Bruno Kessler Lecture with Piero Angela
December 20, 2017FBK*AI 2018: main events calendarFBK dedicates the year to Artificial Intelligence also through a series of informative events, starting from the VI Bruno Kessler Lecture 2018 with Piero Angela
November 21, 2017Innovation and society in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Can they go hand in hand?The meeting "Artificial Intelligence and Us" hosted at Fondazione Corriere della Sera on November 6, has pointed out that man and machine are not antagonists and that a 'peaceful' existence in the era of artificial intelligence may be possible. As long as it we invest in young people and their training.
October 31, 2017Artificial Intelligence and Us. An FBK Meeting at the Corriere Della Sera FoundationOn November 6, the historic offices of the Corriere della Sera newspaper of Via Solferino in Milan, will be hosting a meeting on "Artificial Intelligence and Us", an event that offers a picture of the latest applications and current developments, outlining future horizons.
October 2, 2017FBK Junior: the Marathon of Young Apprentices Is Here!101 individual traineeships, 22 schools, 93 students involved in group projects. These are the Alternanza Scuola Lavoro Training Program for High School students numbers at FBK, a feather in the Foundation's cap that thinks about research starting from school.
August 21, 2017Lectio Degasperiana 2017: Here Are the Texts of the Lectures by Letta and CornelissenExcerpts from the talks by Enrico Letta, former Prime Minister and current Director of the International School of Business in Paris, and Christoph Cornelissen, Director of FBK's Italian-German Historical Institute, are now available.
April 8, 2017Cyber School: how to tackle the digital revolution togetherHow will the new digital school be? How revolutionary and disruptive will this historic transition be for the school system? Are professors, teachers, and families and students alike - digital natives, reality or myth that we tell ourselves? - prepared to deal with the new challenges of a revolution that not only affects the tools, but requires a new cultural, pedagogical, social perspective?
April 6, 2017EDUCA towards a new Digital SchoolWhich school will come from digital technology? The shared reflection of Educa starts from #scuoladigitaletrentina and expands to the entire national system.
February 22, 2017FBK ranks 1st in Italy for scientific excellence in three areasExtraordinary primacy in ICT; 1st place in History and Sociology as well. Mr. Profumo: "FBK is a unique case in Italy combining excellence at the top for scientific production and economic return".
February 2, 2017The 2017 FBK-ISR events: between religion and innovationThe ISR Center promotes over 20 events dedicated not only to the scientific community, but also to a wider, lay audience, in order to promote a fruitful exchange of views and ideas on issues often topical, and to become a meeting point that can favor the growth of the entire community.
January 3, 2017Professionals of tomorrow. Which roles will be required in the future?Who will be the professionals of tomorrow? Which roles will be required by a labor market that is constantly changing and an increasingly global scenario, competitive and interconnected? How shall the school be in terms of education, space, tools and curricula to really train the professionals of tomorrow?
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