Alessandro Girardi

Digital communication professional specialized on digital media.
Over 15 years of experience in videomaking for Italian and European broadcasters, press offices and communication agencies.
Bachelor of Philosophy and Master’s degree in Cinema, Television and Multimedia Production.
Passionate about technology since always.
Journalist and press officer.
Author's articles
March 30, 2021PAST TO PRESENT: rediscovering history through augmented realityChiese Valley in Trentino combines tradition and innovation to rediscover the history of Fort Larino and the Great War
December 3, 2020#IMPACTMATTERS HYDROGEN AND SUSTAINABILITY: FBK AND SOLIDPOWER’S RESEARCH ON DISPLAY AT MUSEAn installation dedicated to hydrogen and its role as an alternative to fossil fuels has recently been presented at MUSE in Trento
November 24, 2020FBK to coordinate the AIPLAN4EU project: artificial intelligence for European small and medium-sized enterprisesWith a total funding of 5 million euros, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, in partnership with 15 international partners, will bring "automated planning" to the AI4EU platform
November 17, 2020Covid-19: what can the Rt number tell us and why is it so important?As information that questioned the validity of the infection metrics used spread, the Ministry of Health held a press conference where FBK researcher Stefano Merler spoke to shed light on some concepts
September 15, 2020FAMILIES_SHARE: technology research to best balance family and workThe FBK experience within the European Families_Share project wraps up with the last activity dedicated to children. An open lab that lasted 3 years in which people, organizations and new technologies have created synergies to co-design community welfare solutions and improve families' private life-work balances
September 3, 2020Crime in large cities: different cities, different causesThe new study led by researchers Marco De Nadai and Bruno Lepri with FBK's Mobile and Social Computing Lab that explores the correlation between crime, socioeconomic conditions, environment features and mobility in 4 megacities has been published in "Nature Scientific Reports". Findings show how the variability of the dynamics and the history of each city make it very difficult to suggest universal recommendations to reduce crime
September 2, 2020What’s the weather like in Trentino today? Ask the chatbot!The last Trento Film Festival science café focused on the work in progress between Meteotrentino and FBK to make the short-term forecasts ever more accurate and on the new ways to learn about them
July 10, 2020New Amazon award for FBK in the field of machine learningFor the second consecutive year, researchers from Fondazione Bruno Kessler win the coveted Amazon prize with research dedicated to "action recognition"
June 15, 2020FROM FBK THE QUANTUM SIMULATOR OF THE FUTUREThe Bruno Kessler Foundation coordinates EPIQUS, a project funded by the European Commission that aims to develop a new generation "quantum simulator"
May 20, 2020OnePlace: the new online platform to improve energy efficiency of our citiesThe restoration of existing buildings and the improvement of energy management are among the targets required by the European Union. These goals led FBK to coordinate the BOOSTEE-CE project in collaboration with 13 other partners from 7 European countries
April 16, 2020FBK laboratories available for research on the CoronavirusThe European Research Infrastructure Consortium (CERIC) has set up a project that will facilitate the study of COVID-19 thanks to the cutting edge tools provided. Some of these are inside the Foundation's laboratories
April 14, 2020COVID19: ISS-FBK study finds that the measures taken in Italy were effectiveA few days after the application of the measures to contrast Sars-Cov-2, the reproducibility index of the virus decreased both in Lombardy and in other regions
March 3, 20205G brings doctors closer to peopleLong distance surgeries, connected ambulances, faster and more precise apps are some of the innovations brought by this upcoming network technology
February 11, 2020AN INNOVATIVE SMART ENERGY PLATFORMFondazione Bruno Kessler and Trentino Sviluppo have chosen Madonna di Campiglio to test a software system aimed at improving energy efficiency in Alpine ski resorts
January 8, 2020strategic technology trends in 2020The consultancy firm Gartner has identified ten technologies as protagonists of the year that has just begun
October 23, 2019The FBK school-to-work model awarded at SMAU 2019The award, which sees the 'SenSAT' project as a virtuous example of innovation in education was given in Milan yesterday
October 11, 2019AGRIOT: artificial intelligence applied to agricultureOn SKY TG 24, within the NOW show, the story on the FBK project aimed at water saving in agriculture
September 20, 2019La mobilità degli individui nella storiaSi è conclusa la 61^ settimana di studi organizzata dell’Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico / FBK in cui si è discusso dell’impatto delle migrazioni sulle città europee
September 20, 2019The architects of the future at the Trento Smart City WeekIn a “smart” version of Piazza Duomo, the children of the 5th grade of the Vela elementary school (TN) met with FBK researchers to imagine how the city of tomorrow could be
July 31, 2019A year out of Earth: how a human body can changeScott Kelly spent 340-day in space for NASA's investigation that studied identical twin astronauts. In the meanwhile, his brother Mark stayed on Earth. Christopher Mason, guest of FBK at 2019 MAQC conference, took part in the research by studying the change in genes expression
July 16, 2019Religion for a better innovationThree reasons why religious freedom matters and is key to sustainable development
July 3, 2019A leap into complexityHuman brain, highway systems, social networks designed as systems to understand their dynamics and evolutions. CCS/Italy 2019, the first Italian conference in the industry, was held at FBK in Trento
June 18, 2019School closures as a possible solution to the spread of the fluResearch conducted on 450 individuals in Tomsk (Russia) revealed how interrupting school activities affect limiting influenza cases
February 20, 2019Hey Gianni, what’s next? | A researcher’s storyGianni Barlacchi tells us about his PhD work at FBK under the helpful guidance of Bruno Lepri (MobS Lab) and Alessandro Moschitti (University of Trento). Sharing lessons learned to provide a tip for prospective doctoral candidates
February 15, 2019A Research Unit to fight mosquitoes and invasive species has been createdFondazione Bruno Kessler and Fondazione Edmund Mach against the spread of alien species
February 7, 2019China: starting in 2019 AI will be included in high school curriculaThe Chinese government will introduce a book on this topic entitled "Fundamental Principles of Artificial Intelligence" in 40 schools. And how is it going in Italy?
October 29, 2018Selfie di Stato. Come si auto-rappresenta oggi il potere?La rappresentazione per immmagini delle più alte cariche dello Stato ha sempre avuto un impatto rilevante, soprattutto in termini storiografici. Maurizio Cau, ricercatore di FBK-ISIG, ci spiega il perché.
September 24, 2018Report on the freedom of belief and religious tolerance of the European ParliamentThe report investigating violations of the right to religious freedom in non-European countries and the influence that the EU can have on them was presented in Brussels on September 4. The FBK-ISR research centre is among the authors of the document
September 19, 2018Complex Networks: what are and why we need themHow can we understand real systems? How can we predict what will happen next? Network science gives some answers to that and can help researchers to find a new way to gain insights into different domains.
September 14, 2018“Being a Researcher is complicated, but I hope it will be my future job” | A Researcher’s StoryGunel Jahangirova comes from Baku (Azerbaijan) and worked in a private company before entering the research world. She's encountered some difficulties in changing, but she's also found many positive aspects
September 5, 2018Artificial Intelligence Can Reduce Food WastageWe met Felix Wick (Vice President, Data Science in Blue Yonder GmbH) during the EuroSciPy 2018 conference in Trento. We talked about A.I. in the retail market and the importance of Python among all the languages available
August 2, 2018Being parents in the summer: where to leave the children?An open topic discussed even before the end of the school as well as under the beach umbrellas in August. The "Families Share" project, of which FBK is a partner, has among its goals solving this problem too
July 6, 2018Evgeny Morozov on global fight for AI supremacyAt Economics Festival 2018, the Belarusian sociologist, journalist and writer, expert in media and technology, spoke of the ongoing global war between American and Chinese companies for the global hegemony of artificial intelligence, and appealed to EU politics
July 4, 2018“When the cost of artificial intelligence goes down, extraordinary things will happen”. Interview with Avi GoldfarbPredictive systems, those that with AI allow to anticipate answers about the future, will cost less and will be more and more effective. Avi Goldfarb, professor of Marketing at the University of Toronto, tells us why during the 2018 Festival of Economics.
July 2, 2018From books to augmented reality: artificial intelligence for art history teaching 2.0The students of the Maffei High School in Riva del Garda have virtualized sites and objects that are artistically relevant to the town. To do this they used REPLICATE, an app developed by Fondazione Bruno Kessler that allows the creation of 3D models of objects and buildings, thanks to photographs taken with just a smartphone
June 27, 2018Will social media managers be replaced by Artificial Intelligence?For some time now, we have been hearing that Artificial Intelligence will replace most human jobs. However, talking to a hi-tech marketing guru like Guy Kawasaki (former Apple chief evangelist), we had the impression that this was not necessarily the case
June 19, 2018Ron Brachman: AI is what you make of itWe met the prof. Ronald J. Brachman at the FBK headquarters during the conference "The pleasure of research in AI", here is his perspective on AI as a long run researcher
June 12, 2018Innovation flows where there are innovative peopleIdeas are important, but the people who stimulate them are even more so. We talked about this with Alessandro Garofalo, former president of Trentino Sviluppo and professional innovator.
May 21, 2018Zero-emission? Let us bring factories back to the citiesIt sounds like a paradox, but according to Wolfgang Wahlster, CEO and scientific director of DFKI, it makes no sense to build future zero-emission production centers if the commuting of workers remains highly polluting
April 20, 2018The best investment in bitcoin? Take the time to look into itBlockchain, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are terms on everyone's lips. We talked to some experts on the subject to clarify some ideas at a seminar held at FBK's Stringa hall
April 4, 2018Quantum computing is closer than we first thoughtThe transistor happened because of the research and development made for the hearing aid that spawned the computing industry as we know it. So we talked about supercomputers with Jacob Biamonte (Skoltech), trying to see what could the “hearing aid” of quantum computing be and we found out that the impact of this technology will surely be “shocking” and “irreversible”.
March 27, 2018Digital manufacturers: the green revolution starts hereWhat are the sustainable jobs of the future? Why does sustainability become a social obligation for everyone, including small, medium and large companies? Why will the professions of the future have to integrate technical skills - primarily digital - and soft skills with the aspect of care of the ecosystem, an asset that belongs to all and that must be preserved and handed down to those who will come after us?
March 26, 2018MAIA: Artificial Intelligence is not only for robotsMAIA stands for Advanced Model of Artificial Intelligence and is the robot from which FBK initiated some of the main strands of its research in the field: speech recognition, digital visualization, natural language analysis and planning
March 14, 2018From Iraq to Trentino on the road to artificial intelligenceAhmed Fadhil was born 30 years ago in Mosul, and then moved to a village in southern Iraq. During his teens he had little access to computers or the Internet, but this did not stop him from cultivating a strong passion for research and development of artificial intelligence related software.
March 8, 2018RELIGION TO GO! Religion in the virtual worldFrom the discovery of fire to the printing of the Bible, technology has never stopped involving religion. FBK's ICT and Humanities Centers work in synergy on the implications of an app that can virtualize objects and places of worship.
March 7, 2018Is space curiosity or business?At the opening of the Co.Scienza festival, the president of the Italian Space Agency Roberto Battiston and the science popularizer Adrian Fartrade were the protagonists of a lively debate about the ultimate goal of space exploration
February 26, 2018FBK takes part in Mobile World Congress 2018The Foundation will be contributing to the global summit of experts in mobile devices and industry technologies, with the presentation of the "Munich-Bologna 5G Corridor" and "City Sensing Living Lab" projects
February 13, 2018When Passion for Technology Can Reach Space | A Researcher’s StoryAndrea Micheli, FBK researcher, has always been passionate about technology. As the first guest of the series "A researcher's story @ FBK", he tells us how a passion can lead us to transcend the boundaries of planet Earth, pushing us further, into Space
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