For a Human-Centered AI

Giancarlo Sciascia

Born in 1979, entrepreneur and cultural manager with a background in Political Economy. Since 2007 he has collaborated with many Italian institutions (Festivals, Museums, Research Bodies and Consultancy Agencies) and contributed to various startup competitions at the intersection between the digital, social and cultural fields (cheFare, Culturability, Internet Festival, Falling Walls ). From 2011 to 2015 he was the Community Manager of the Ahref Foundation and since 2016 he has been the Audience Developer of the Bruno Kessler Foundation: he has been managing the official accounts on social networks and has overseen the participatory process to define the motto Future Built on Knowledge. In 2020 he wrote the book Fabbricare fiducia. From 2022 he has been curating the podcast series FBK Radio: Science and Society. Future Thinker (2023: Master in Strategic Foresight by Trento University, directed by Prof. Roberto Poli, UNESCO Chair in Antiicpatory Systems). Linkedin Profile.

Author's articles

  • June 12, 2024
    OPEN Trento x3
    What is meant by open artificial intelligence? Openness in AI not only has to do with the availability of software, but also with key issues such as transparency, reusability and sustainability of systems, while respecting essential ethical constraints imposed by standards.
  • May 23, 2024
    Digital infrastructure for citizens and businesses
    The Autonomous Province of Trento as a cutting-edge laboratory in Europe for digital public infrastructure
  • April 16, 2024
    Glimpses of artificial intelligence “against the tide”
    A discussion between leading representatives of AI and Augmented Intelligence research was held on March 25 at FBK. We collected the video testimony of Alessandro Sperduti, Marco Gori and Oliviero Stock, guests of "Some Pills of AI Against the Tide."
  • April 4, 2024
    Society suspended between a no longer and a not yet
    The relationship between technology and society resembles the relationship in a couple: one influences the other and vice versa, but in order for this to happen there must be a party of two. With this interpretation key, through the examination of case studies that embody the most pressing discussion nodes around innovation, digital media sociologist Davide Bennato tells how our society is rapidly changing and what risks and opportunities can be expected
  • March 7, 2024
    Measuring inequalities with statistical models
    The new study by Gian Maria Campedelli, a researcher in the MOBS unit at the FBK Center for Augmented Intelligence, was published in the official journal of the American Society of Criminology
  • March 5, 2024
    Generative AI and disinformation: advances, challenges and opportunities
    Four European projects join forces against disinformation with advanced AI models. New white paper from European digital media observatory available online
  • February 23, 2024
    FBK for Human-Centered AI
    8 episodes, 8 experts, 8 stories: tangible examples of the big digital transformation of Artificial Intelligence, with profound technological and social impacts. Every Friday, starting Feb. 23, on FBK channels, immerse yourself in our stories for a human-centered AI
  • February 2, 2024
    Elena Donini selected visiting scientist by ESA ARCHIVAL RESEARCH VISITOR PROGRAMME  
    The FBK researcher has been selected by an independent committee and will be spending a period at ESA in spring-summer 2024. She will develop an advanced method to efficiently select significant radargrams in large archives. The research will be applied to RIME/JUICE and SRS/EnVision subsurface radar space missions in which FBK is involved
  • January 16, 2024
    Understanding Misinformation and Science in Societal Debates
    In a new research project, we explore the interaction between misinformation and science on social media during COVID-19. The UnMiSSeD project brings in not only computational social sciences but also media and communication studies and has clear connections to science communication.
  • January 12, 2024
    Lorenzo Incoronato wins award for best paper on public policies
    The young researcher has won the second edition of the award given by FBK-IRVAPP. He will present his work in Venice on Jan. 23 before participants of the International School on Impact Evaluation
  • January 11, 2024
    Clinical ethics and new technologies: open issues in healthcare
    A public conference to take stock of clinical ethics and new technologies was held on December 14 and 15, 2023. Organized by FBK through the interdisciplinary collaboration between the Digital Health & Wellbeing and the Religious Studies centers, in cooperation with Interdisciplinary Group of Clinical Bioethics and Ethical Counseling in Health Care, Italian Society for Health Technology Assessment and Pontifical Academy for Life.
  • December 21, 2023
    Air-Break, the project under the European Union’s Urban Innovative Actions program, is ending
    Air quality goes from acceptable to good thanks to the many initiatives put in place by the project partners: Fondazione Bruno Kessler, City of Ferrara, Deda Next, University of Ferrara, Politecnico di Milano, S.I.P.R.O. Provincial Agency for the Development of Ferrara, Hera Group, Lab Service Analytica.
  • December 18, 2023
    Innovation refraction that come from afar
    From October 26 to December 8, 2023, the 00A Gallery in Trento hosted an unusual photography exhibit, the result of the determination of artist/inventor Andrea Salvà who beats an innovation path interrupted for decades
  • December 12, 2023
    AquilAir Project’s Closing Event
    The closing event of the AquilAir project was held on December 12, 2023 at the Gran Sasso Science Institute in L'Aquila, Italy, that involved four schools in Abruzzo applying the Domosens innovative educational model devised by Fondazione Bruno Kessler and already activated in previous years in Trentino
  • December 4, 2023
    Excellence in research: featuring the scientific achievements of 13 FBK scholars
    Among the most cited researchers in the world (Top 2%) for their publications in science-technology are FBK scholars Binosi, Bovolo, Cimatti, Dapor, Dragoni, Ghulinyan, Magnini, Massa, Perini, Pistore, Remondino, Stock and Strapparava. The analysis, published in Elsevier Data Repository, is based on Scopus data updated to 2022
  • November 15, 2023
    Complexity Translation Exercises: a glossary for FBK’s research worlds
    Scientific excellence feeds on knowledge challenges that find application in our daily lives: from the smartphones we use to the universe we explore. The FBK dictionary series offers close encounters with the disciplinary fields that shape Fondazione Bruno Kessler, one word at a time.
  • October 31, 2023
    A call for artists to challenge conspiracies with wonder
    The European Digital Deal consortium is seeking through its partner Sineglossa an individual artist or collective for a project on disinformation and the fascination of stories. Up for grabs 25,000 euros and an internship at Bologna's Tecnopolo.
  • October 25, 2023
    The faces of sustainable energy
    A series of videos with FBK researchers who conduct research and development activities in collaboration with industry, academia and public institutions in the energy sector.
  • September 14, 2023
    Smart Altitude European project enters the final stage of Regiostars 2023
    The jury has carefully evaluated the record number of applications – 228 in total – and selected 30 finalists. Among them, Smart Altitude, a European Interreg Alpine Space project partnered by FBK Center for Sustainable Energy, that aims at implementing new tools to improve the use of energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Alpine ski areas.
  • August 21, 2023
    Tell me how you play and i’ll tell you who you are
    Best Paper Award for Antonio Bucchiarone at the 5th international conference on human-computer interactions in games, as part of the HCII 2023 held in Copenhagen on July 23-28
  • August 20, 2023
    Third place for Alessandro Sartori (a UNITN PhD Student @ FBK Sustainable Energy Center) at the Tyrol Days of the European Forum Alpbach for his paper "Multi-objective optimization of an energy community: an integrated and dynamic approach for full decarbonisation in the European Alps".
  • July 17, 2023
    Research and innovation inside industry’s digital transition
    A focus on digital technologies for the changing industry: FBK's applied research in manufacturing, aerospace, rail, automotive, energy and precision agriculture.
  • July 12, 2023
    Trends & Digital Identity
    Video interviews of SACMAT and TDI's local scientific committee, the director and researchers of FBK's Center for Cybersecurity.
  • July 7, 2023
    Doctor or Robot? The Prospects of Digital Health
    FBK promoted and hosted the first introductory course on the use of digital technologies in medical practice for the Trento School of Specific Training in General Medicine.
  • July 5, 2023
    Paolo Traverso’s interview with Nello Cristianini
    A novel and original video dialogue on Artificial Intelligence and its disruptive applications
  • June 27, 2023
    A day of discussion involving the national research and innovation ecosystem on quantum technologies was held at FBK on May 23, 2023. A whole new level for supercomputing, communication networks, and the competitiveness of the production system, particularly for SMEs that represent the vast majority of the Italian industrial structure
  • June 5, 2023
    The evolution of industrial maintenance
    As part of its collaboration with the Rovereto-based company PAMA, the Vision Technologies Research Unit at FBK's Digital Industry Center oversaw the development of computer vision modules for remote troubleshooting and industrial maintenance through an augmented reality-based application. The solution developed ensures data security, allows for user experience customization, enables predictive analytics, and facilitates the creation of maintenance ticket and intervention requests.
  • May 17, 2023
    The digital twin and the city-as-a-platform
    REbuild Italia 2023 aw the presentation of the digital twin model for Bologna: an infrastructure that does not merely reproduce the urban fabric but supports its relationships, co-evolves with the city dynamically and is able to predict and anticipate behaviors and transformations occurring in the real world, supporting decision-makers' analysis thanks to a representation that is both concise and comprehensive, taking into account the complexity and mutual influences among various urban systems.
  • May 10, 2023
    Bit armies
    Silvio Ranise, director of FBK's Center for Cybersecurity and professor of Computer Science at the University of Trento, was among the speakers at #WNF23 and talk about cyber attacks and their effects in the real world. Riccardo Meggiato, consultant in digital forensics and cybersecurity, discussed with him
  • May 6, 2023
    The biggest challenge for generative AI? Education!
    Held as part of Wired Next Fest Trentino 2023, "The Rules of the Perfect Algorithm," a diascussion between Marco Guerini, head of the FBK LanD research unit, and Lorenzo Cella, software engineer known to most as the creator of PizzaGpt.
  • February 17, 2023
    Inheritances and social justice
    Salvatore Morelli presented the findings of his latest study: "The Influence of Intergenerational Transfers on Wealth Inequality in Rich Countries: Size Matters" at FBK-IRVAPP
  • February 16, 2023
    Oliviero Stock is honorary member of AIXIA
    The Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence bestowed the title of Honorary Member on senior fellow FBK, a pioneer in AI research.
  • February 9, 2023
    Destination: Ganymede
    The European probe JUICE is set to be launched from Kourou Space Base in French Guiana in the second half of April. Mission goal: to reach Jupiter's orbit in seven years and study its icy moons. The Bruno Kessler Foundation (with the research group coordinated by Francesca Bovolo) is among the partners in the UniTrento-led project.
  • January 12, 2023
    Scienza e decisioni | Science and decisions
    January 18, Stefano Merler and Alessandro Vespignani, two of the world's leading experts on epidemiological models, will be discussing how the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic brought science, politics and society together.
  • December 13, 2022
    Francesco Weikmann wins a prize promoted by the United Nations and the European Commission
    The software developed, which enables the involvement of citizens to improve data collection on urban cycling, came in second at the Open Source Software for Sustainable Development Goals – Sustainable Cities & Communities (OSS4SDG) competition organized by the EU and the UN
  • December 13, 2022
    Seeing with new senses
    FBK-IRVAPP is conducting the SENSES (Seeing with new senses) project to assess an experiential intervention aimed at raising awareness of visual impairments and against stereotypes in sxhools. In collaboration with the social cooperative Abilnova and with the support of Fondazione Caritro
  • November 25, 2022
    StandByMe european projects aim at countering online Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) via youth actions in Italy, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia and the rest of Europe.
  • October 24, 2022
    Cities and regions under the spell of (de-)globalization
    Edition No. 63 of the Italian-German Historical Institute's Study Week took place from Oct. 12 to 14, 2022.
  • October 15, 2022
    Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design: pushing boundaries
    The ES unit of Digital Industry Centre (FBK) co-organized this year edition of the International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD). It's the 22nd in a series of conferences on theory and applications of formal methods in hardware and system verification. The conference has been held in Trento last Oct. 18th and 19th
  • July 13, 2022
    Designing innovative teaching: the ENCORE project is kicking off
    Coordinated by the University of Pisa, it involves European universities, institutions and companies. FBK is among the partners of the initiative thanks to the contribution of Antonio Bucchiarone (MoDiS) and Gianluca Schiavo (i3)
  • June 22, 2022
    5G: connected autonomous and assisted driving vehicles on motorway between Italy-Austria and Austria-Germany
    5G-CARMEN European project tests innovative automotive functions and services across countries
  • June 14, 2022
    Marco Gaido received the Best Student Paper Award at IWSLT 2022
    His work, titled "Who Are We Talking About? Handling Person Names in Speech Translation", adds up to the strong record of recent publications of the Machine Translation Unit in the area of Speech Translation.
  • June 9, 2022
    Complexity Article of the Year 2021 for an FBK paper on Adaptive Urban Policy-Making
    "Complex Urban Systems: Challenges and Integrated Solutions for the Sustainability and Resilience of Cities" is the title of the awarded paper, published in Complexity - special issue "The Complexity of Mobility and Human Dynamics in Cities", and coauthored by Riccardo Gallotti, leader of the Complex Human Behaviour Lab @ FBK Digital Society Center.
  • May 23, 2022
    “Can che ha bias non morde?”
    In the new episode of Radio FBK, an interesting conversation about the relationship between discriminations and technology. Protagonists of the dialogue, Luisa Bentivogli and Marco Guerini, respectively Researcher of the Machine Translation unit of the Digital Industry Centre and Head of the Language and Dialog Technologies Research Unit of the Digital Society Centre.
  • May 11, 2022
    Deep fake: between history and current affairs
    This month's podcast and vodcast sees a conversation between a human scientist (historian Claudio Ferlan) and a researcher in science and technology (Elisabetta Farella). An interdisciplinary path around the topic of falsehood, in history as well as in the present time. An open reflection that poses new questions and at the same time allows us to take a closer look at what the craft of research is all about, exploring the laboratory of knowledge in the making
  • May 10, 2022
    In-work poverty in Italy: what it is and how to combat it
    Beginning with a discussion of the mechanisms that lead to situations of in-work poverty, Andrea Garnero, host of the FBK-IRVAPP research center, presented data on the extent and characteristics of the phenomenon in Italy and the five proposals developed for the Ministry of Labor to counter both the spread of low wages and the growth of poverty in households
  • April 29, 2022
    At full throttle with ROOBOPOLI
    Hackaton on Robotics for smart cities organized by University of Trento, FBK, STMicroelecrtronics and Associazione Perlatecnica; in parallel with the IEEE workshop "Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT".
  • April 28, 2022
    Call for PhD Programme in Information Engineering and Computer Science
    Within the Doctoral Programme on "Information Engineering and Computer Science" at the University of Trento there are 12 scholarships on reserved topics by Fondazione Bruno Kessler
  • April 27, 2022
    “BIKE2WORK – A Shift Towards Sustainable Mobility” @ SMARTGREENS 2022
    The FBK researcher Antonio Bucchiarone presented the case study at the International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems. The project, in collaboration with Dedagroup Public Services, is part of a larger initiative, "AIR BREAK- Co-producing healthy clean commuting air spots in town", with a focus on Air quality for the city of Ferrara.
  • April 27, 2022
    AAAI 2022 @ FBK
    The FBK scientist Luciano Serafini has become fellow of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EURAI). Head of Data and Knowledge Management Research Unit at FBK, his reaserch interests include Knowledge representation, Artificial intelligence, Semantic Web, Applied Ontology and Neuro-Symbolic architectures.
  • April 13, 2022
    Strategic agreement between FBK and ITALIT: artificial intelligence to the benefit of PA
    Memorandum of understanding within the Digital Transformation for Public Administration with focus on AI and Blockchain signed.
  • April 12, 2022
    The infinite lightness of exploration
    A journey inside the HERMES-SP project and the cross scientific return in the field of multi-messenger astrophysics
  • April 11, 2022
    War and energy crisis: risks and opportunities
    Giancarlo Sciascia talks with Luigi Crema, director of Fondazione Bruno Kessler's SUSTAINABLE ENERGY research center.
  • April 5, 2022
    Playful learning for Sustainability
    The FBK - DIGITAL SOCIETY Research Center is committed to promoting sustainable lifestyles through mobility choices and reuse, reduce and recycle practices. To do this, it develops applications and playful learning programs for schools and local communities
  • March 30, 2022
    MIMEX testbed in Trento launched at FBK
    The new shopping experience environment has been created to validate the actual effectiveness of the applicable solutions. A space with the basic configuration of a store that will facilitate the development of options to be used in different contexts.
  • March 28, 2022
    Cryptography: a millennia-long history
    What trends for the future of Cybersecurity? An introductory lesson with Prof. Silvio Ranise, director of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler's Cybersecurity Center
  • March 25, 2022
    Nowcasting: Artificial intelligence-based short-term weather forecasts
    Climate change in Italy and Europe is leading to a progressive increase in extreme weather events, with repercussions on all social and economic activities: traffic circulation, tourism, agricultural and industrial production, renewable energy, people's health and safety. Always active in environmental modeling, in the past 5 years FBK has built a dense network of relationships with national and international organizations and companies for the research and development of weather models, in particular for extreme events.
  • February 1, 2022
    AI made in Italy launches the international challenge against Covid: “Covid CXR Hackathon” promoted by IIT, FBK and UNIMORE presented at Expo 2020 DUBAI
    Data scientists from all over the world united in a virtual challenge on Covid-19 data. The online hackathon is open to students, PhD students and teams of researchers called to solve a real and compelling problem in medical imaging. The goal: to support healthcare professionals with prognosis activities starting from chest radiographs and clinical data collected in hospital triage.
  • January 21, 2022
    Sensors to sniff the air
    Funded by the CARIT Foundation, the TernAria project, led by FBK, involves Arpa Umbria, Airi and ADI. Proposed topic: the cycle of innovation, from research to a product on the market. FBK to continue its partnership with the schools of Terni for another 3 years
  • December 1, 2021
    Elia Scattolo is the winner of the best student award at the international conference ECSA-8
    The student award consists of 500 CHF. It is for a student who has joined the online student competition of the 8th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications held on 1–15 Nov 2021.
  • December 1, 2021
    FBK projects awarded by the VRT Foundation for relevance and impact
    The calls of the Foundation for the Valorization of Trentino Research were launched on March 19, 2020 with the aim of countering the pandemic by supporting research aimed at social impacts
  • November 30, 2021
    Promoted by the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation, an unprecedented discussion was held at the end of September 2021 on the topics of ecological transition: mobility, energy, food and water
  • November 25, 2021
    FBK for International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
    A comment by ISIG historian Cecilia Nubola and a hint to some related research insights that, for example, employ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE technologies to GENERATE COUNTER-NARRATIONS USEFUL TO FIGHT ONLINE HATE SPEECH
  • November 8, 2021
    Emerging scientific award to FBK researcher Giulia Cencetti
    Friday, October 29, 2021, at the annual Conference on Complex Systems, Giulia Cencetti was awarded the "Emerging Scientific Award" by the Complex System Society together with Dr. Iacopo Iacopini (Central European University) and Dr. Yuanzhao Zhang (Santa Fe Institute).
  • October 21, 2021
    PHOTONICS: FBK study reveals an innovative method for reading optical signals
    The study, published in the international journal "Optica" and funded by the joint laboratory Quantum @ Trento, is the result of FBK's proven experience in the production of photonic devices and integrated silicon detectors
  • October 4, 2021
    MANLIO DE DOMENICO won the Young Scientist Award for Socio- and Econophysics – 2020 edition
    The Award of the German Physical Society annually recognizes outstanding original contributions that use physical methods to develop a better understanding of socio-economic problems
  • September 28, 2021
    Final event (online) on October 7, 2021, with an analysis of the results and impact of the European project by FBK-IRVAPP researcher Davide Azzolini
  • September 15, 2021
    FBK for interfaith dialogue and peace
    Since 2016 FBK has been a partner of the G20 Interfaith Forum; September 11-14, 2021, it took part in the G20 Interfaith Forum which took place in Bologna, coordinating the working group on innovation in science and technology chaired by the director of the Center for Religious Studies, Marco Ventura
  • September 14, 2021
    We grow by experimenting
    Parents keep collaborating to offer multidisciplinary informal education opportunities at the Foundation
  • June 23, 2021
  • June 15, 2021
    Supporting people experiencing higher levels of distress
    A proof-of-concept evaluation measuring the engagement and effectiveness of Atena, a psychoeducational chatbot supporting healthy coping with stress and anxiety, among a population of university students
  • June 10, 2021
    Big data and non-religion
    A new paper authored by FBK researchers Dominik Balazka and Bruno Lepri, with the contribution of Prof. Dick Houtman (KU Leuven), sheds light on the possible impact of Big Data on the future development of non-religion studies
  • May 5, 2021
    Suggestions for future research on artificial intelligence and religion
    The two-year webinar series on Artificial Intelligence and Religion (AIR 2020/21) organized by the FBK-ISR Center for Religious Studies has wrapped up. A final assessment and a relaunch with new knowledge challenges
  • April 22, 2021
    A research group in FBK highlights the importance of demography and social structures facing pandemic transmission
    BMC Medicine has published the open access research paper "Modeling the interplay between demography, social contact patterns, and SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the South West Shewa Zone (SWSZ) of Oromia Region, Ethiopia" authored by Trentini, F. et al.
  • April 7, 2021
    JUDIT - digital and interactive Judicaria: a new interdisciplinary project that leverages on the expertise of Fondazione Bruno Kessler and ICT technologies to valorise heritage locations and attract more people
  • March 9, 2021
    Surprise: Bots are less central than verified accounts during contentious political events
    The new scientific paper by Manlio De Domenico (FBK) has been published on PNAS. Very different information ecosystems emerge in terms of prevailing news sources when comparing social media with the web
  • February 26, 2021
    Released the full version of COVID19 INFODEMIC OBSERVATORY by FBK CoMuNe Lab
    With many new features, a freely and user friendly platform to independently conduct a number of analysis for which at the moment there is no other online resource available
  • February 23, 2021
    Digital technologies for the enhancement and reuse of historical and cultural heritage
    The possibility of visualizing and requalifying sites through three-dimensional technologies favors the rediscovery of the air-raid shelter in Piazza Venezia in Trento, the scene of a piece of city history of the Second World War
  • February 5, 2021
    From code to market: Network of developers and correlated returns of cryptocurrencies
    Code has become an important societal regulator that challenges traditional institutions, from national laws to financial markets. A new research paper, coauthored by FBK researchers Lorenzo Lucchini and Bruno Lepri, has been published on Science Advances
  • January 28, 2021
    Italy joins IPCEI with 12 companies and 2 research centers: ENEA and FBK
    Green light from the EU for an investment of over 1 billion euros in the second Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) on batteries. Below is the comment by Luigi Crema, director of the FBK-Sustainable Energy Research Center
  • January 22, 2021
    Unraveling the hidden organisation of urban systems and their mobility flows
    Published on EPJ Data Science the Open Access new scientific paper authored by the FBK - CoMuNe Lab researchers Riccardo Gallotti, Giulia Bertagnolli and Manlio De Domenico
  • January 21, 2021
    Artificial intelligence in the service of medicine
    The AIMED project, with the support of Fondazione VRT, brings the technological and research results based on artificial intelligence developed at FBK to radiologists and neurosurgeons based in Trentino
  • December 15, 2020
    The pandemic and increased uncertainty: what effects on fertility?
    The FBK-IRVAPP research center hosted a seminar on this topic with Raffaele GUETTO, researcher at the University of Florence, who described how the narratives conveyed by the media significantly affect reproductive intentions, changing demographic scenarios
  • December 1, 2020
    Popularize Artificial Intelligence – Spread Your Results!
    Williams Rizzi received a special mention at the "Pietro Torasso" Award - PhD student edition. With a video, he illustrates the research he is conducting as part of his PhD project in an way that can be easily understood by a non-specialist audience.
  • October 26, 2020
    Explainable AI for healthier lifestyles
    Virtual coaching systems can help people with chronic diseases improving their health day by day
  • October 26, 2020
    TOTEM – 4D Trento Time Machine
    ICT technologies, archive data, space-time analyses of the urban area, apps and Artificial Intelligence to enhance Trento, its history and its archives
  • October 21, 2020
    How does the connectivity of the communication networks (mentions, replies) responds to certain banning (or dismantling) strategies?
    A recently published article by FBK researchers provides new insights about how the presence or absence of moderation in online interacting contexts shape the organization and the communicative functioning of the underlying systems.
  • October 15, 2020
    Prevention and response to Covid19 in ITALY
    New study published about strategy and planning evolution for the autumn and winter transition phase. With the contribution of FBK experts in mathematical models to describe scenarios and contain the spread of the infection, led by Stefano Merler
  • October 2, 2020
    New research paper on Autonomous Shuttles has been published on IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems journal
    FBK contributes to the research with the proposition of the Autonomous Shuttles-as-a service (ASaaS) concept as a pillar for the realization of innovative and sustainable proximity mobility
  • September 13, 2020
    Generating Counter Narratives against Online Hate Speech: Data and Strategies
    How big is the hatespeech phenomenon online? What effects does it produce? How can we tackle it? What is the contribution of artificial intelligence? Marco Guerini and other researchers at FBK are pushing forward this knowledge frontier
  • September 8, 2020
    Combating hate speech, preserving freedom of expression
    Novel techniques against hate speech are ready to be exploited to generate counter narratives about the many dimensions of hate speech: right-wing extremism, islamophobia, racism, cyber hate against LGBTI+ community, ecc. Interview with Marco Guerini
  • August 31, 2020
    “AI for Future Italy”: challenges of the present and indications for seizing the opportunities available
    An open document containing discussions, proposals and recommendations for Italian research in Artificial Intelligence and the connection with institutions, industry and society. Organized by the National Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems of the National Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics
  • June 22, 2020
    SECURITY LANDSCAPE: a 3D exhibition within “BESec” Jean Monnet project
    The visual investigation that TerraProject has carried out concerns the relationship between threats to security in contemporary European society and changes in the urban landscape. What does the landscape we have built express? What message will we leave to future generations through it?
  • May 26, 2020
    Raffaele Giaffreda (FBK) interviewed to identify core challenges related to water scarcity
    SAPIENCE project leader Raffaele Giaffreda (FBK) interviewed, within an EIT Cross KIC initiative, to identify core challenges related to water scarcity in Southern Europe
  • May 13, 2020
    EU-funded project “SUPERTWIN” success story
    Our researchers have employed quantum physics to develop a novel optical microscope that opens up the potential to view the tiniest of objects - including many viruses - directly for the first time
  • April 30, 2020
    Prisoner’s Dilemma experiments published on Nature – Scientific Reports
    The paper authored by our researcher Riccardo Gallotti and Jelena Grujić reveals new insight that can be achieved thanks to a quantitative modelling of human behavior
  • April 21, 2020
    Covid19 Infodemics Observatory follow up
    Manlio De Domenico and Pierluigi Sacco participated to the World Health Organization ad-hoc technical consultation on managing the COVID-19 infodemic, held on 7–8 April 2020
  • April 9, 2020
    Thanks to the collaboration between the Municipality of Fidenza, FBK and local restaurateurs, the Bring The Food app has been adapted for the medical staff of the Vaio hospital and more
  • March 25, 2020
    CherryChain, simplifying and strengthening digital trust
    Even though we are all at home, the digital innovation ecosystem does not stop. We talk about it with Carlo Rizzi, CEO of an FBK co-located startup
  • March 24, 2020
    Measuring fake news about Covid-19
    Too many countries are exposed to fake news: the CoMuNe Lab research unit (FBK) has analyzed conversations on twitter on a global level, discovering that the behavior of users and bots on social media produced faults in the correct information, especially in Italy before the arrival of the first cases of contagion
  • February 17, 2020
    Inside the software used in scientific applications: SciPy
    A scientific paper listing our researcher Emanuele Olivetti and describing the "SciPy" Free/Open Source software, which reached version 1.0 after more than a decade worth of upgrades, has been published in Nature Methods
  • January 31, 2020
    Technology innovation either is social innovation or it is no innovation at all
    Societing 4.0 aims to experiment and suggest possible forms of future through collaborative processes: new ways in which people, institutions, the production and the research systems reconfigure meanings, symbols and social systems, leveraging the big potential of technology innovation
  • January 16, 2020
    How computational linguistics can help in creative tasks
    What do the art of headlines in journalism have in common with wit, persuasion and exaggerations? Carlo Strapparava helps us explore the wonders of language connotations between the recent past and the near future in which the creativity incorporated in NLP technologies plays an increasingly important role
  • December 16, 2019
    Artificial intelligence, facts and dream, overcoming fears
    Paolo Traverso a speaker at TEDxTrento 2019
  • November 18, 2019
    This year, 5G is at the center of the important international event as far as public safety is concerned. Also FBK has participated with the 5G-ESSENCE project and the 5G-EmPOWER asset
  • October 24, 2019
    Roberto Battiston in the firmament of Astronautics
    The FBK board member was awarded the Hall of Fame Award by the International Astronautics Federation for contributing to the progress of space science and technology and to the impacts of space for humanity
  • October 21, 2019
    Conversations on technology and society
    40 conferences, 5 workshops for kids, 1 documentary in national preview and a show conference involved about 50 speakers and more than 1,500 participants during the three day Festival of Informatici senza frontiere. Among them experts and onlookers, professionals and also many students, from Trentino and out-of-Province
  • October 9, 2019
    Inside the game engine
    With the help of our researcher Antonio Bucchiarone, we look into the model on which the gamification of many FBK projects on smart communities are based. The study was presented during the Models Conference 2019 which was held in Munich in September
  • September 25, 2019
    Why we should learn more on hydrogen and other alternative energy sources
    Ruben Bartali, a researcher with the Center for Materials and Microsystems at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, talks with Federica Vinci from Volt Italia about sustainability and "national energy sovereignty" at the Festival of university students of Trento: Poplar
  • September 5, 2019
    Identity and performance in the web society
    Young people, adolescents, digital natives, millennials seem to prefer the connection to the relationship, protecting themselves from the risks that derive from it
  • September 2, 2019
    This year the SERIE A champions will be…
    Our scientist Giuseppe Jurman, who has always been a soccer fan, has applied predictive models to soccer and found that...
  • August 12, 2019
    Follow the leader
    Some examples to present the "religion of innovation". The research by Matteo Corsalini (Unisi/FBK-ISR PhD student) starts from a central question: can profit maximization be read as a new option of faith?
  • July 16, 2019
    Religion for a better innovation
    Three reasons why religious freedom matters and is key to sustainable development
  • July 8, 2019
    When the media make history
    The ISIG 2019 summer school has involved modern and contemporary history scholars in an intense debate on ongoing research projects and scientific investigation methods
  • June 18, 2019
    The narrow path of artificial intelligence
    The Italian brains behind the world of robots. When it comes to the spread of artificial intelligence in businesses and in the public administration, our country is lagging. But it shines with Germany in research worldwide. This is the snapshot after the study by Ahk Italia and Deloitte
  • June 18, 2019
    Will the 21st century be the century of complexity?
    The attention to the study of complex systems is growing in the world and also in Italy. We asked Manlio De Domenico to describe the meaning of this emergent science from his point of view, being part of one of the most vibrant academic network focused on these approaches and topics
  • May 20, 2019
    Circular economy lessons
    Adolfo Villafiorita, head of the ICT4Good team at FBK, introduces the E-Mining @ School project, funded by EIT KIC RAW Materials, for students of vocational and high schools in five European countries
  • May 7, 2019
    Artificial intelligence, transitions, and enabling skills
    We find ourselves within a technological revolution that also represents a wider paradigm shift: an ongoing transition from the present to possible futures. How does human-machine collaboration change? How can organizations benefit?
  • March 27, 2019
    FBK Researcher in the Olympus of Young Researchers in Physics
    Manlio De Domenico wins the prestigious Young Researchers in Statistical Physics Award (IUPAP-C3, 2017) for the many interdisciplinary applications of his research in Statistical Physics. Complexity feels at home now among physicists
  • March 6, 2019
    Once upon a try
    Explore the greatest inventions and discoveries of humankind thanks to the new Google Arts & Culture interactive online project in collaboration with Fondazione Bruno Kessler
  • February 20, 2019
    Hey Gianni, what’s next? | A researcher’s story
    Gianni Barlacchi tells us about his PhD work at FBK under the helpful guidance of Bruno Lepri (MobS Lab) and Alessandro Moschitti (University of Trento). Sharing lessons learned to provide a tip for prospective doctoral candidates
  • February 13, 2019
    Online dating: curiosities, strategies and social impact
    Some think that online dating is not just a starting point to meet new people but mark the end of relationships and love. Data in hand, how much have we changed?
  • February 1, 2019
    Ranking pages’ impact and users’ engagement on Facebook
    Introduction to PopRank, an algorithm to assess both the Impact of Facebook pages as well as users’ Engagement on the basis of their mutual interactions
  • January 14, 2019
    What is a mobile money service? Why is it needed?
    Mobile Money: Understanding and Predicting its Adoption and Use in a Developing Economy - our recent case study computed 77 features to investigate whether and how past mobile phone behavior is related to the future usage of M-Pesa
  • November 7, 2018
    The Data and Life of Great Future Cities
    The Roca London Gallery is hosting an exhibition, based on Marco De Nadai and MOBS @ FBK research activities. It proposes that, used responsibly, personal data could be the key to better urban design
  • October 29, 2018
    Commonfare: an Approach to Welfare for the 21st Century?
    "Rethinking the economy of digital platforms in social innovation": a Conversation with Maurizio Teli, Reserch & Innovation coordinator of, recently invited by Eit Digital for an Innovation Talk about the co-op platform and paradigm
  • October 25, 2018
    Post-Human: Where the Human Being Finishes and Something Else Begins
    What does it mean to be human? Science fiction has been exploring this question since its inception. With the coming of artificial intelligence, the need to ask real and hard questions becomes more pressing
  • October 17, 2018
    In praise of imperfection
    IRVAPP seminar with prof. Massimo Buscema, expert in Artificial Intelligence and deep learning faced with a perspective that is "different from the mainstream"
  • October 8, 2018
    10 million euros for the “Innovare in Rete” programme
    Startup and Innovation: Banca Etica selects the best projects that will be supported with high-quality loans and consultancy
  • September 18, 2018
    Investing in research to innovate social enterprises
    We interviewed Flaviano Zandonai, Ezio Manzini and Francesco Profumo, protagonists at the 16th Workshop on Social Enterprise
  • July 6, 2018
    Evgeny Morozov on global fight for AI supremacy
    At Economics Festival 2018, the Belarusian sociologist, journalist and writer, expert in media and technology, spoke of the ongoing global war between American and Chinese companies for the global hegemony of artificial intelligence, and appealed to EU politics
  • July 4, 2018
    CREATE-NET awarded at the Digital360 Awards
    CREATE-NET has been recognized by Digital360 among the most relevant research centers in the promotion of digital innovation in Italy
  • June 27, 2018
    Will social media managers be replaced by Artificial Intelligence?
    For some time now, we have been hearing that Artificial Intelligence will replace most human jobs. However, talking to a hi-tech marketing guru like Guy Kawasaki (former Apple chief evangelist), we had the impression that this was not necessarily the case
  • June 19, 2018
    Ron Brachman: AI is what you make of it
    We met the prof. Ronald J. Brachman at the FBK headquarters during the conference "The pleasure of research in AI", here is his perspective on AI as a long run researcher
  • June 7, 2018
    When art changes society
    How can pleasure be a principle for innovation? What is the key motivational factor? How important is impact measurement? Why do we need crazyness? - A conversation with Doris Sommer from Harvard
  • June 5, 2018
    Culture is much more than a soft issue
    Building a stronger Europe: new initiatives to further boost role of youth, education and culture policies
  • May 31, 2018
    Further recognition for CLIMB
    The project participated in the "Sustainable PA Award, 100 projects to achieve the objectives of Agenda 2030", promoted by Forum Pubbilca Amministrazione in collaboration with ASviS
  • May 30, 2018
    The first experiment in Italy of networked Clean Rooms has been started
    "It-Fab" is here: a consortium of research INFRASTRUCTURES in the micro and nanotechnology field connected to the EuroNanoLab project, which will significantly increase the chances of accessing projects on a European scale. FBK is part of it together with CNR and PoliMi
  • May 24, 2018
    Families_share at the 2018 Festival of Economics
  • May 21, 2018
    Zero-emission? Let us bring factories back to the cities
    It sounds like a paradox, but according to Wolfgang Wahlster, CEO and scientific director of DFKI, it makes no sense to build future zero-emission production centers if the commuting of workers remains highly polluting
  • May 16, 2018
    FBK and Microsoft together for precision medicine
    FBK presented a major new machine learning project for Precision Medicine that leverages Azure cloud computing capability and a $ 20,000 grant support under the Azure for Research program at the Microsoft Edu Day2018
  • May 14, 2018
    Running an Open Innovation Platform for IoT-Big Data in Sub-Saharan Africa
    Empowering Digital Transformation of Africa by WAZIUP and WAZIHUB initiative - a project coordinated by Open IoT research unit of CREATE-NET center at FBK
  • April 5, 2018
    SenSAT’s plenary session half-way through
    On March 1, 2018, the follow-up meeting to check on the progress of the tasks of the big Alternating School and Work Program involving more than 200 students in Trentino was held at "M. Buonarroti" High School in Trento
  • March 30, 2018
    How can the web and social media help medicine
    Interview with Eugenio Santoro, Head of the Health Informatics Laboratory at the "Mario Negri" Institute of Pharmacological Research in Milan
  • March 21, 2018
    Toward 5G for Aircraft Communications
    The EIT Digital Innovation project ICARO-EU addresses a new integrated high capacity direct-air-to ground communications system. FBK research center CREATE-NET contributed to the system prototype design and implementation
  • February 16, 2018
    Thirty Years of Commitment to Responsible Research and Innovation
    FBK research on artificial intelligence as a demanding and patient practice to keep together technological progress and human development
  • February 6, 2018
    LIMADOU PROJECT: FBK clean room’s detectors in the Chinese space mission
    The data collected by the satellite launched today as part of the Chinese space mission focusing on the study of earthquakes will be analyzed at INFN/TIFPA, the national scientific center of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics set up in collaboration with the University of Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler and the Province Agency for health services
  • February 5, 2018
    Creating an ecosystem for innovation entrepreneurship
    What are the main challenges to face to translate research excellence into a succssessful innovation ecosystem? Paolo Taticchi from Imperial College shows us his point of view
  • February 3, 2018
    FBK and MAMACROWD side by side to support businesses
    Thanks to the collaboration started, FBK has now the opportunity to report to Mamacrowd the startups in its acceleration program that meet the requirements to access online capital raising through the equity crowdfunding portal
  • November 29, 2017
    Francesca Bria: How to build digital inclusion
    The digital initiatives of the city of Barcelona and an interview on the role of digital and social innovation at the present stage
  • November 23, 2017
    Underwater 3D Surveying
    Documenting, mapping and monitoring the underwater world with photogrammetry
  • November 9, 2017
    Conversation with Simone Aliprandi: from Open Access to Open Science Data
    What progress has been made? What are the legal (licensing) and technological (standards and repository) tools for profitable dissemination of research data?
  • October 31, 2017
    Reconstructing the Steps of the Italian Shoah
    The FBK Digital Humanities Unit has created an interactive tool that describes in detail the movements of Italian deportees during the Holocaust. The system can be downloaded for free
  • September 22, 2017
    Knowledge and Innovation: Energy for Development
    Sandro Battisti was the KEYNOTE SPEAKER of the international congress CIKI 2017 held in Foz do Iguaçu at the Itaipu Technology Park in Brazil on September 11.
  • July 21, 2017
    First edition of the educational robotics lab to bring Elementary School Children to STEM disciplines (Physics, Mathematics, Engineering and Computer Science)
  • July 3, 2017
    Through diaries, letters, illustrated magazines and oral memories, the historical reconstruction of television audience through the changes of the 1950s and 60s
  • June 27, 2017
    Freedom of Religion or Belief and Tolerance and Non-Discrimination for All is Vital to Security
    Marco Ventura, Director of the FBK Center for Religious Studies and member of the OSCE/ODIHR Panel of Experts on Freedom of Religion or Belief: "freedom of religion or belief is under threat in the OSCE region and international co-operation can strengthen it as a force for security".
  • June 14, 2017
    Why “traditional values” are today at the core of national and international law and politics debates?
    Video interviews to some of the protagonists of the Workshop “Tradition and Traditionalisms Compared. A Joint Program of the Tradition Project and the Postsecular Conflicts Project” co-organized by the Centre for Religious Studies at the FBK Foundation.
  • May 26, 2017
    Race and Theology
    A VIDEO-message from prof. Leo D. Lefebure on "The Conflict of Social Innovations: Christian Theologies, Empires, and Modern Constructions of Race"
  • May 24, 2017
    Cohousing, between collaborative economy and second welfare
    Proceedings from the "COLLABORATIVE LIVING, COHOUSING and REUSING EMPTY SPACES IN TRENTINO" CONFERENCE, an opportunity for reconstructing the history of the phenomenon, defining its main features and representing the opportunities for urban regeneration, local development and transformation of welfare it offers.
  • March 24, 2017
    DOMOSENS at the turning point
    Turning point for DOMOSENS, the project that simulates a real company owned by students and researchers: in 9 months the aim is to offer the market a sensor for monitoring air quality in homes.
  • March 22, 2017
    Is Artificial Intelligence stealing our jobs? FBK tries to answer the big question at G20
    Paolo Traverso, ICT Center Director was the co-chair of the panel “Digitising Manufacturing” dealing with AI application in future industries. Outcomes of the panel will be officially transmitted to G20 ministers and discussed during the G20 Summit in Berlin April 6-7th '17.
  • February 1, 2017
    William Storrar’s point of view about fundraising humanistic research activities
    Storrar is part of a leading international group of theologians, social scientists and other scholars, on issues facing public theology for the 21st century.
  • January 14, 2017
    Fashion & technology together against violence on women
    At the presence of Council Member. Sara Ferrari (PaT), the FBK Povo premises turned into a catwalk. The models were the students of Centro Moda Canossa. The garments worn, equipped with multi-purpose sensors, are the result of an experiment which sees research and school work side by side. The objectives: create new opportunities for young people and fight violence against women.
  • December 23, 2016
    Mobility story: Claudio Ferlan
    I met Claudio Ferlan and asked him to take a few minutes of his time to share his experience of Mobility abroad.